So material consumerism is probably at the heart of what is ailing humanity and its unsustainable growth. I certainly am guilty of buying crap that aren't necessities, but somehow somewhere was convinced that I needed. Aside from the obvious, like lights, clothes, cars, refrigerators... what luxury "stuff" have you acquired that you use daily? Things that I use daily but would hate to live without are my Ipod, Ipad, TV, computer, Juicier, expresso machine.
I don't use a car every day. The lights come in pretty handy, though, and the fridge is a wonderful convenience. Other than that, the daily essentials are a computer, an ipod, and a french press. No fancy espresso machines here - I even grind the beans by hand.
(Energy using) Luxury Items I use everyday: Hot water heater, Freezer, Computer, Internet devices, Stereo, Weather station, Tide clock.
Beer Some things I've always considered a necessity, but then I'm surprised how I seem to survive w/out them. Hmmmm, suddenly, I'm reminded of my honeymoon.
Yes and no, depending on the quality of the grinder. The little Hario unit I like most has the added advantages of being quiet, small, and light. Also, it doesn't require electricity, which means it's perfect for hiking, cycling, camping and sailing. It would not be useful in a high volume coffee shop, but it's perfect for travelling, and also works nicely at home.