I've had my iTunes account abused twice. Both times I was able to get refunded the costs but now another article: Source: How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking | Gadget Lab | Wired.com I'm not selling my Macs but along with a Skype hack four years ago, I don't trust 'cloud' security or Apple security one bit AND by association every other Internet based business. When my junk mail filled with Facebook initiated junk mail, I eventually got off that ride. Twitter seems headed down the same rat-hole. Bob Wilson
Ive never had any problems with teh 5 years I've been using Apples iTunes. Some people need to pick harder passwords.
Apple is in denial that they have a problem but so too is every other Internet business that steals from their customers: Spokeo - stealthly charged me for 3 months service without my OK each time. Consumer Reports - only allows a automatic renewal so I only subscribe when I know my credit card will expire within a year. solicitations to 'keep credit card information' - always refused Truth be told, most of these thieves are discovered when they try to used an expired credit card. I am actually thinking in terms of getting one-time, credit cards for such payments and annually replacing the cards so they are expired. Bob Wilson
Honestly, this isn't an issue with Apple specifically... as he states, " The disconnect exposes flaws in data management policies endemic to the entire technology industry, and points to a looming nightmare as we enter the era of cloud computing and connected devices." This is an issue with basically the entire internet. Once someone has access to one account, they can start gathering more information that makes it easier and easier to access other accounts. It's honestly one of the scariest things out there these days - someone can completely take over your online identity with just a few pieces of information. He has some good tips in there for preventing this stuff from happening to you!