Thanks to someone on TiVocommunity... Rolls Royce RB 211-22B | Jet Propulsion - I haven't read it yet. Crazy!
He's a Vascular surgeon in Wales and this is what he does to unwind. What a gloriously crazy thing to do! The engine is a 42,000 lb thrust engine off a jumbo jet.
Well it would certainly counteract the noise from the neighbors kids and barking dogs... just fire up the old turbine for a few min... Like the smoke output too- natural mosquito repellent!
Wonder if I could retrofit it to a Prius. Man, I would have the fastest Prius in the world. Of course, I would need to address the stopping issues. DBCassidy
A much smaller jet engine would be enough to keep tailgaters away. Actually, Toyota had a hybrid in the 1970s that had a gas turbine, and GM had a hybrid EV1 with a gas turbine that got an amazing 80 MPG.