I would have to think it's everywhere... Gas in my area has gone up over 25 cents a gallon over the last 2-3 weeks. Is is the same story near you? (I know this is SO WRONG, but it makes me feel a little self satisfied because it makes my pending Prius purchase seem better and more affordable.)
Wow I thought Southern California was the land of gas gouging but ours has gone from $2.17 to $2.28 in one week. Not as bad as Tony's
You can keep track of fuel prices anywhere in the US (and Canada) at: http://gasbuddy.com/ If you need to look up IL, click on the state and get: http://gasbuddy.com/gb_region.aspx?region=IL Illinois pops up with a choice to view Chicago or anywhere else. Select IllinoisGasPrices.com , which pops up a page with high and low prices around the state. To specify a specific city find the box which says Search for Gas Prices, scroll to and select the city desired, select ALL, or specific brand name, and select Gas Prices or Diesel Prices. Looks like this for Waukegan: http://www.illinoisgasprices.com/index.asp...an&tme_limit=24 It was very useful this summer when we drove to/from Ottawa, Ont, CN. Price was at 1.20 per litre Canadian when we departed for, and down to 1.01 per litre when we returned. Helped when deciding when, where to refuel. Sudbury --uh,uh. Much more expensive than Ottawa. Sault St. Marie, Ont, CN? Definately no. Sault St. Marie, MI, US. YES! BTW, a Visitor to Hudson Falls, NY is reporting $2.49 per gal at the Gulf station on Feeder St.!
I paid $2.25 this afternoon. The last tank I filled up was at $2.18 about a week ago. THe week before that it was the same. No price spike around here.
Yeah, I've noticed the creep up too...here in Tampa... Probably the same goes for Mass.... thank goodness I didn't end up with that Expedition...
We never quite made it back under $2 ($2.03). Must be there are no state legislative investigations of gas pricing going on right now---a different Law of Supply and Demand. :angry:
hmmm now you are scaring me. still at half a tank, gas was $2.06 this morning. didnt pass that way this evening... but it will take more than a week before i will need gas.
Jonathan... i think its a Pacific Northwest thing... or would that be a Pacific Southwest thing in your area??
I love your avatar, by the way. Aren't they cute? One of the local newstations has a "prices to drive for" bit that the traffic chick does and she was reporting prices under $2.00 a couple of weeks ago but now the price I see all over is in the $2.35 range. It's not wrong to fee a little smug about getting much better mileage than everyone else. It wasn't the reason why most of us bought a Prius but it's a side benefit, nonetheless. Another sign that we made a much better choice than all of those guys who just can't live without their gas guzzlers.
In Dayton OH area it was 2.19 on Wed eve, 2.49 on Thursday and back to 2.38 this AM. I wonder what it will be when I go out to lunch!!! LOL
In the Milwaukee area it is $2.49. Ask me now if I care? hehehehe Boy, who says having a car that gets high mpg doesnt make a difference? I think it's great.
It went down for a few months, now it's going back up. Gas earlier this week (Tues/Weds) at Arco was $1.99/gallon, at Chevron $2.05/gallon. Same Arco this morning it was $2.15/gallon and at the same Chevron $2.19/gallon.
In Lubbock, gas prices have been gradually creeping up the last month. Several weeks ago it was around $2.04 or $2.05 and is now at $2.18-$2.20, but never more than a couple of a cent jumps at a time. Makes me a little worried about how much gas prices will go up in the summer. It is nice on the other hand too to not have to hear about how stupid hybrids are when gas is only around $2 a gallon.
Well, I've been watching the gas prices because I want to fly to London from LA in March. In December round trip was about $570 (that included all taxes and fees.) Yesterday it was $470. (Again, including all taxes and fees) I don't think it's going to get much lower than that for a round trip from the west coast nonstop to London. I think I paid more than $500 last time I went which was 1999. I think gas is going to slowly but steadily go up this year. It will be $3+ a gallon again, will stay there longer and if it comes down, won't come down as much as it did this year. Slow, steady increase. And as the price of gas and oil go up, so does airfare. I'm thinking I better book now rather than wait closer to my trip. I have a very narrow window of flight times and I really don't want stopovers. I'm already driving up to L.A. and then back on my return. Plus I have to get from London to Leeds and back again. (I'll probably take the train.)