I'll start. What happened to cycledrum? I met him finally at a Nor Cal meet. His last post was on May 12th and he was last seen July 13th...
I wonder what became of DBermanMD. I'm guessing his Mom found out what he was doing and cut off his Internet connection.
I used to see Daniel constantly on this site endlessly debating someone. Haven't seen Pinto girl or Octavia recently. There are others, maybe someone could remind us. Time marchs on.
Weird you brought this up, Andrew. I was just thinking of Brett the other day and was wondering where he went. I should text him.
Bill Merchant is still pretty active. he orgranizes hybrid meets in the Portland area once a month. Wolfman was a mod here because he had a job that allowed him a lot of free time on the web. his job changed, he longer had that luxury and apparently no time at home daniel is still here. normally he is off taking extended trips at this time of year so not as active as normal Octavia recently earned a higher degree so she has been balancing work, kids and school. not usually a job that has a lot of free time cycledrum?? hadnt noticed he was not here. that would be a bummer if he left. as i recall (very vaguely) he was not that old? which brings me to a point where many are old to the point that people do die, get in accidents, etc.
hmmm, ok. we used to be able to look up a member and see their last activity... so how do we do that again?
If you click on the person's name, and then their 'profile page', that stat is still there. I recall a complete member list, which was also helpful, but I don't know if that made the jump.
ya, but if they have not posted... before we had the member list, we could click on the person and bring up their info page. that seems to be missing...or maybe moved to a "less intuitive" place maybe? **edit** ah found it. when you click on someone and view their profile the member list is one of the tabs at the top
... I also miss Tripp and Cyclopathic. The new software is still very problematic for my older system XP/IE8. Basically unusable for posting but I do posts anyways - usually takes several tries. I presume it is a problem with my IE8 (works OK on Firefox).
Regardless of how well it works (or not) w/Priuschat, don't use IE8. I don't. May as well use Firefox or Chrome instead.