On the steering wheel, while in ODO mode, press and hold the Trip button for a second or two to change back and forth from mph to kph. 11/7/12: I edited this to add the "while in ODO mode' above, for those who may read this and not see subsequent posts. If you are using the Trip meters A or B, and attempt this while in either mode, you may reset them to zero unintentionally. You must be in ODO mode. Sorry for leaving this out on my original post.
Thanks - that's true and I heard it before from our service people BUT it did not work, unless you are in ODO mode (showing total miles) - which nobody stressed. If you are usually in Trip A or Trip B mode, which we are to check our consumption from last fueling on, then you just reset the trip mileage when holding the button down. Luckily figured it out on my own - and want to share it here...But thanks anyway!!! Best, Tom
YES, this thread needs to be a sticky or something. This is going to happen to others, like it did me today. Nothing in the book. I called the salesman. He told me how but he was not correct. I fiddled around and figured it out. That is not fun when this happens. Thought I was doing 66 mph and was only doing 60 as I set cruise at 100 klm. Did not have the gps in the car and I had taken the mph off my Ultra-Gauge. I wonder why there is nothing in the book about this? Maybe I am missing it. Oh well, now I know. Hope others find this thread should it happen to them. Dan
It can't be that well hidden if people are changing it accidentally. (assuming of course that it is being accidentally changed the same way it is intentionally corrected)
I have done the same and the dealer technicians couldn't figure it out. That was funny! Although a bit disconcerting! Holding down the trip button does take care of it!