Hi all! I'm nervous and excited about picking up my order, Prius C two this Saturday morning! I have a questions: I know it has 6 speakers for this trim, I wanted to know how good sound it comes out? I wear hearing aid but I like to "feel" the music via "all-the-way-up" bass and closer to "high" sound...hopefully without blowing up the speakers! LOL! (All I care are any good "beats", I can hear voices but will never understand what (s)he say in the music). I have iPhone 4S currently without music on it but my son have tons of music that I like to have since it's attached to my iTunes account which I can load onto my iPhone. I'm wondering if this trim allows me to use my iPhone music thru this car? If so, how? Thanks!
Audiophiles can answer better than me, but I think the sound quality is adequate, if a little quiet. I typically have to turn it up rather high to get it as loud as I like. It's not an amazing sound system by any means, but it works for me. But again, I'm not that picky, so someone else might be better able to give you an idea. As for your iPhone, you should be able to play music from it via Bluetooth, USB, or Aux. Choices galore!
I have a C3 and there are only front speakers....four of them. The tunes aren't bad...ive played pandora, i heart radio and satellite....i have not used cd's The iPhone works fine... the only weird thing it does is every time I hook up my iPhone it automatically starts playing the iPod...I have not figured out how to keep that from happening
mitch, you've definitely got 6 speakers if you have a c 3. Only the base model has fewer (four). Toyota Prius c - 2012 Models: Prius c One, Prius c Two, Prius c Three, Prius c Four Check out the interior features tab.
If you are picky about sound quality - the stock system in the C sucks... I regularly listen at max volume - but hope swapping out the speakers will fix the issue. I dont know if the 2 comes with bluetooth connectivity, but you should have an aux audio port where you can hook up the iphone if not.
Thanks all's comments! I think I'm gonna tell the salesman to stand outside while I crank up the volume to test it (He'll probably warn me that I'll lose my hearing, which I lost it at birth anyway LOL!!!). If it's kinda low, no worries I can always upgrade speakers sooner or later thou' I always plug in my iPhone every time I get in the car to charge it and since it has built-in USB port which will work perfectly! Thanks again!
Update: The music bass is very good and I'm pretty much happy with it... Call me crazy but I set the volume to 50 with FULL bass!
That would be a bit much for me, but the stereo is pretty quiet. I usually have my volume at 40-45...with bass at +2
Wow, that must be loud. I have it at 25-30 and default settings and it's loud enough for me. BTW, the speakers sound better after a few weeks breaking in.