well, about a month ago i turned in my black c 3 for a black liftback Two.why in the world would i do that. the c is still very cool. its a great size, handles well and gets great city miles. but....... it is rough riding. will knock your false teeth out over pot holes. is (comparatively) very loud inside. has (just a little) wind noise the faster you go. the seats are thinner, but after breakin do give good support. the engine whines even more than the regular prius.so...(only in my opinion) it was not ready for prime time. i do expect that the complaints ive had will be addressed through the years. i have to remember,too that the chassis is a modified yaris, so its quite short. i was able to keep my bike in it with the front tire removed. now, on to the phantom (my new Two). first, i named it the phantom because, compared to the c, it is ghostly quiet. the ride is extremely smooth and quiet. at higher speeds no wind noise. the engine is not straining most of the time and the sound is much more subdued. it is much more comfy for me.another subtle difference appears to be how long i can go either in ev or before the ic kicks in. for lunch i can sit in the bigger prius without the engine kicking in for almost all my lunch time, compared to s shorter time in the c. is there anything i miss from my c. yes, it had the nav system and cornered well. like ive indicated, in the future this will be a great little car, but for me, for now, im loving the phantome. any questions please feel free to ask ps i forgot to add the most controversial. in my opinion the c is underpowered. i know im being very controversial, but it is my feeling especially over about 30 mph or so. fred from nashville
Congrats on the purchase, enjoy! As an FYI, you have a 2012 Prius Two. Roman Numerals were only used for model year 2010. After that, 2011 and currently 2012 use Two, Three, Four and Five to describe packages.
Grats and I would have to agree with you about the power on the C. When I test drove the C it felt like it was straining to get past 30 mph..
thanks chunker. whenever that was brought up in the c forum, the response was like well, the car is not for you or it is not a sportscar. whatever. when i took my big trip to daytona from nashville, i REALLY noticed it. the two on the other hand although not a quick mover, will get out of its own way and does not feel like it is at the edge of power alll the time.
Yeah, both those things are true. It IS low on power. For a lot of us who still like our C's that just doesn't matter as much.
thank you 2nd passed. i do want to add that c forum is full of very nice folks who always treated me good. you are also right in that many folks in that forum are quite content with the acceleration limits
My wife has the C3 and I agree with you all the way. She likes her C and that's what counts but I don't like driving it much after having mine.
thanx for your reply az. the thing i noticed immediately is the difference in smoothness and quietness.
I was thinking about a c then I test drove one and realized that the short wheel base and bumpy ride would get old really quickly. Since this will be my only car it needs to be a good all around car. So I picked up a real Prius and never looked back.
The 'real' Prius crack may net you some heat but I understand the 'C' isn't for everyone, particularly if you carry 4 on a regular basis. Since the C is built to a lower price target, it also understandably has a few corners cut to make it more affordable. Let's not flame fgp or Jonny Zero or others over their honesty about why the C wasn't right for them. It's right for plenty of others and that's why Toyota makes a range of Prius models for different buyers. Not controversial.
The lack of any real mpg difference between the Prius C and the Prius was an issue for me in choosing the Prius over the C. I'm averaging 55 mpg using the EV mode a stops and I see folks posting sub 55 mpg for Prius C.
i have to agree prox.i found that on the highway the c did not do as great. around town i dont really notice a difference. of course the c is no slouch but like a say its always on the edge