The UK prius over reads speed by 10%, so when we think we're doing 70mph we're only actually doing about 63.
Is there a reason the UK Prius over reads speeds? That doesn't seem like a good thing. Accuracy would be preferred I would think.
Its a legal thing. Most manufacturers do this to give drivers a margin of error on speeding prosecution. Typically between 5%-10% over.
For most countries here in Europe diesel is cheaper than petrol. In the UK diesel is a few pence more expensive. My local station is currently selling diesel at £1.37 L and petrol at £1.35 L. Come the summer holidays in France, diesel being cheaper is useful as that's where we do quite a lot of miles.
Lol take a look at UK Google maps - all those blue lines - Motorway. There is also plenty of dual lane stuff too. This isn't Ireland. Limit is 70mph. Flow of traffic typically is above this. Similar speeds to the US actually - in fact I'd say the flow of traffic is faster here than on a typical US Interstate. I've done a fair amount of driving in the US (driven from Georgia to California and back once as well). Distances are greater, yes, but there are plenty of people here in the UK that make their living pounding the motorways.
Cool that was a ONE day trip one of my real long driving was from NYC to Yellowstone via Toronoto Niagara Falls, Detroit Billing ND, coming back via Bolder Colombus, DC 8500 in a week i have some videos crossing state borders about 30 times ... AND I am NOT an american ....either ... that was not with a prius and it was almost 20 years ago ... the state speed limits currently on HWY-s about 65 MPH (some have 75MPH) yes flow of traffic is about 10-15 MPH over that sometime quite disturbing really ... but with my Prius I do around 60-65 and normal condition ~60mpg easily (with one person no luggage etc)
Yes there is a legal thing but NOT 10% but about 2.3% required. some silly formula adopted by the ECE (an UN body ) many decades ago ... is there something UK specific and more harsh ??? never heard of it ...
Look doesn't matter comparable car WILL NOT give you better fuel economy ... yes my sister 900cc Opel whatever manual shift no A/C no A/B no power steering/no power windows etc car can do 4.5/4.7 l/100km which is better than my 3 year average ... same for small diesel too can I drive it yes do I like it? NO If you like the smart car for almost equal FE get that ... and will see how you go 600-1200 KM in that shit and it dies at 100/150K miles on average .... if you need a city car (second vehicle) you better off with that for sure
I suppose my question was - if you are on highway/motorway/open road, are you better off with a diesel? The UK motoring press would say, yes. I'm unsure. Definitely, in the US the Prius makes more sense, because it is cheaper, diesel is more expensive than petrol and there are less diesel options there. In the UK and Europe, with all the diesel options we have (including diesel wagons with auto stop/start), and the price of the Prius, I don't think the case is as strong. Don't get me wrong, I think I'd actually prefer the Prius, but the numbers have to stack up.
Look I really do not know the UK situation if you buy the car purely on FE you do the numbers BUT it is very tricky .. you really need to know how much an how your driving will be in the next 4-5 years and the price of the gas. Last year, this time of the year it was 1 dollar higher then now ... so you never know ... diesel is over valued in Europe not sure why ... it is a lot dirtier fuel ... and no way it should be used small personal vehicle..
I can tell you this if I would go pure 55-65 highway more or less flat .. my sig would say about 60-63 mpg that is what you can get at least most of the year.. Very cold NO very hot like now NO very rainy NO but most of the year that what the prius can do (also you have to learn how to drive this car this is my second) ... I drive mostly in the city average speed 14-15 MPH in new york city AND get 51.5 3 year average that is 4.57 for EU people ...(this include everything in the last 38000 miles )
It's a UN recommendation so there's no hard and fast rule. My old Jeep UK spec RHD was about 3 mph over, whereas most European and Japanese cars are about 10% over. I use my satnav or the taxi meter to display the correct speed. Speeding convictions are quite severe here. We have a similar 12 points and you're out rule but one minor speeding conviction results in a minimum of 3 points raising to 6 points if you're about 10 mph over. With all the speed cameras about it is possible to lose your licence with just 2 camera flashes. Speedometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My prius reads about 1-2 MPH over the GPS in the mid range 40-50 MPH range whihch is about 2-3% that is what I think the UN rule requires ... but 10% over would be what 4-5 over where your operating range is (I hardly ever drive over 70 MPH) that is just makes no sense to me and I KNOW that is not the case in my car ... using the GPS
There was a plan to tax all fuels on CO2 level (or energy content) in EU. It just ended very bad, first articles of increased diesel tax (EU Plans to Increase Diesel Tax – The Diesel Driver - The Joy of Diesel Driving) then rejection in parliament (Parliament shoots down Commission’s energy tax plan | EurActiv). Here are some ridiculous quotes from politicians: Consumption of diesel in Europe is around 70% and petrol only 30%, if it comes to another oil crisis believe me there will be a big problem with diesel fuel in Europe. What ratio is the max for diesel to produce from refinery? Maybe 55% diesel : 45% petrol? Where does all the unused petrol go? Maybe America?
I'd like to chime in here.......LOL The Prius will still beat a diesel on the highway. Not all you driving will be on the highway and even when on the highway, not all your highway driving will be free flowing. The Prius will give you great highway MPG's. A diesel will give you great highway MPG's (the Prius will win) The Prius will give you great City MPG's. A diesel will not give you greay City MPG (The Prius kicks the diesel's rear) The Prius will give you Phenomenal Slow and Go (highway) MPG's. A diesel will not give good slow and go MPG's (Prius is a huge winner here) The Prius will give you peace of mind in ALL types of traffic. The diesel ONLY in free flowing highway traffic.
The Prius will beat diesel, but not enough to offset cheaper diesel fuel in Europe. Examples from (German fuely): Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI: 5,8 l/100 km (40 MPG) VW Jetta 1.6 TDI: 5,9 l/100 km (39 MPG) VW Passat 1.6 TDI: 5,73 l/100 km (41 MPG) Prius: 5,13 l/100 km (46 MPG) Cost per 100 km (German fuel prices): Prius: 5,13 l/100 km * 1,646 €/l = 8,4 €/100 km Focus: 5,8 l/100 km * 1,461 €/l = 8,4 €/100 km
Several past threads here on PC have found that European market cars have their speedos biased higher than North American market cars. Ah yes, drill down from here: Speedometer error