Nice to know that those elected officials in Bloomfield Twp are tackling the really important issues.
They just don't want bad media pub from discovering that some hitherto-unsuspected old lady (or gentleman) has 117 cats holed up with him/her, half of them mummified. Seems to hit the news about every couple of years.
There's a house on one of my walking routes that has a nasty stench wafting from it. The last time that there was a complaint, the lady living there had some 20 or 30 cats. They took a bunch away, but I'm sure she has collected some more. The smell is always feces and urine, not decaying human flesh, so I guess she is still ok.
I think most cities have ordinances like that (although I think the limit is usually at least 4 -- 2 seems pretty restrictive to me, but maybe that's because I have 3). They usually aren't enforced unless someone complains, and they usually include some provision for getting a kennel license or something if you have more than the specified number of pets.
I have a patient with a number of severe and potentially life threatening problems which he chooses to ignore. He also has a number of cats. Several years ago when I was trying to get him to face some of his medical problems, the conversation went as follows: Pt: Doc, just keep me alive long enough to take care of my cats until they all die and I bury them? Me: How many cats do you have? Pt: 27 ... Last year he was back in to see me again, still ignoring prudent medical management. Me: So how many cats do you have right now? Pt: 33. Me: So you want me to keep you living forever. To his credit, even though he refuses to take care of himself despite the best efforts of his sister and myself, at least all his cats are fixed and relatively well cared for. He just keeps adopting additional strays.
Why don't they limit politicians, obnoxious talk show hosts????? Pets at least serve a purpose...........
3 cats here, plus 4 dogs.. What WAS I thinking!! There are 2 in my avatar, the oldest cat (gray tabby) and the 2nd youngest dog (German Shorthair pointer) The cats earn their keep by keeping my home in the woods mouse free. They never make it inside, though I have to put up with the occasional rodent cadaver in the yard or on the floor.
"They" actually do. Note that there is only one Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Howard Stern, et al......... :lol:
dogs just push it over the edge for me! one of my friends has 8 cats and a dog - when petsitting, it's the dog that keeps me on my toes!
Im pretty certain that in this part of Oz that you need to be a registered breeder to have more than 3 cats. I have 2, both purebreeds, and both boys who have had the snip. I strongly believe in controlled breeding, not only for population control but also to ensure stronger disease tolerances etc. My boys are Astro - a 10 month old British Shorthair, and Kimba, a 3 month old snow bengal...needless to say, I(we) absolutely adore them both. As some of you may know, bengals are a recent breed, derived from mating a domestic cat with an asian mountail leopard ! The result was an active domestic cat with a leopard's spots !! The snow variety is a bit more rare, and was derived from mating the standard bengal with lighter coloured cats. [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: