I had asked my dealer to make sure I get a good amount of valet cards with my Prius delivery. Upon taking delivery I was given a pack of ten cards but was told they had come from their own dealer demo. According to the dealer, Toyota no longer provides valet cards to 2006 owners. To those who are not aware what they are......Toyota provided instructions on a small card to give to the valet who parks your car for you. They provided the essential info you needed to operate the car. It was printed on both sides and had a cut in it already for you to slip into your key ring. I thought this was a good idea and am sorry to see it go. Glad, however, that I had specifically asked for them and, as a result, received a pack of them anyway. Thought everyone would like to know. If others are having different experiences please share here. Thanks.
I received a pack with my new '06 today, I don't know how many, seems it was more than ten. I didn't have to ask, but I'm glad I had the checklist I found on Priuschat to know to look for them. Don't know if I'll be letting any valets park my Prius, though! fd
Well, I found a whole pack in the 06 Pkg #7 I picked up yesterday. Since I didn't make any special request for it, I assume it's still standard equipment.
I used to worry that the Philly lot jocks wouldn't be able to move the car 'cause Prii are not very common hereabouts. Tried once with the card (got a dirty look). Next time no card, just asked if he knew how to run it (got a really evil stare). Fuhgetaboudit!
Interesting feedback. Looks like I got wrong info from the dealer. I have to admit they were not having a very good day today. Way too many deliveries all in one day. That could have contributed to it.
Always remember, car salesmen, like their forebearers, horse traders, were never celebrated for their integrity.
So much remained on the old PriusChat. Here's a link to <a href=\'http://priuschat.com/forums/valet-card-english-amp-spanish-translations-vt67.html?highlight=valet+spanish\' target=\'_blank\'>English and Spanish</a> versions of the card in PDF format. The last time I let a valet park my Prius, I forgot to give him the fob. I had left the car in READY, so he just drove it away and parked it. When I came out of the restaurant, I handed him the fob so he could start it and bring it back.
Bill, this has been troubling me. If left in ready without the fob can the car be driven away (stolen)?
Yes. If the car is in READY and you exit the car it will beep at you to remind you, but the car is still on and ready to go, so anyone can drive it away. You don't have to push the PARK button and then the POWER button to secure the car; just press POWER when you get out. Since starting a Prius is so easy, with the fob in the car, it's no hassle to power it off every time you get out.
Mine came with a pack yesterday as well, seemed like it was a lot more than 10. First thing I said to myself was "These will never be getting used since no one drives my cars but me..."
While I'm pretty careful to find out if the car wash guys and valets (rarely used around these backwoods parts) know how to drive the Prius or not by asking specific questions about what they know "Do you know how to put it in gear and put it in park?", I do let others drive it. I think it's almost a responsibility of us Prius owners to try to help decrease the general level of ignorance about Prius. I want the car wash kids to know a Prius when they see it and feel confident that they can handle it properly. I used to use the valet card...I think I've only ever used one out of the pack and I just use the same one each time. But to tell you the truth I don't think anyone's ever looked at it. They spend time studying the dash and poking at the Power button, but never have I noticed anyone stop, take a breath, grab the card and read it. Maybe at a larger facility where the car would be parked 3 levels above and I couldn't keep an eye on the situation AND the valet driver was different than the one I left the car with originally it would be good to leave it out and pray that the kid would actually take the time to read it if he/she got "stuck", but I have a feeling it's more likely I'd see him come running down the 3 flights of steps saying "Do you have another key? All this had was the remote."
By now it's been a few years and most people in the auto service sector have experience with the Prius in my area. The Prius is Ubiquitous in these parts.
The Prius valet cards are a standard stock item. Any Toyota dealer or parts department should be able to order extras for you from their normal distribution channels. Indicate your disgust with this situation and ask them to order more of the cards from their documents and supplies channel. You should get a full stack for free with the car, not a partial stack as it seems you got, and they should eat the cost of the replacement stack of cards.
I'll take yours! I don't want to trust anyone with my car either, but in L.A., I swear, you HAVE to sometimes. The first month I was too scared to valet, and I ended up picking restaurants, bars, etc based on whether they had self-parking or not. It got old.
Hey typhoon in Milwaukee, I'm in Racine just south of you. If you want to give em away I'll pick em up next time I'm up there.