Just curious as to how fast people have gone in their PC. I had an emergency and gone up to 90 mph on the highway. I'm surprised that it can get up that high. Car must have been yelling at me, "Hello? Don't you know I'm a freakin' hybrid?". LoL. I know it kills gas mileage, but it was brief. I still managed 51 mpg for the tank.
Once I drove from my home to NYC for the day to visit friends. It was about 180 miles each way. On the way back, I left Manhattan at 10:30 pm and just wanted to get home. I got up to 90 and numerous times on that drive I got up to 85. Each time I was shocked and quickly braked but was impressed that it could get up that high. Sorry you had an emergency!
Several here have gone over 100. I think the concensus is the top speed is 108. I reached 100 indicated before I ran out of room, which was only 99 true mph. *sigh* Guess I'll have to try again.
I chuckle as I read the "top speed" stuff. We want a car that we can hotrod and get very good mileage from. Our Vibe gt will run about, or would new, 128 mph as tested by me using the speedometer. Not bad for a 4 banger. I have had our motorhome up to 90 mph towing the Vibe. I think 85 mph is what I have driven the Vdub with dp 1600 and headers. The 65 Fastback Mustang has seen over 120 mph with me behind the wheel. I really plan to keep the Prius C under 80mph, if I can. We shall see. By the time you folks hit 58 years of age, you might forget about top speed also. Life is good, thanks for the reports. dan
LOL, I am not saying, nor intended to imply, that I don't get out and move on. But, I will do it in one of the other vehicles I own. The C, well, that is for my "other side", the technical guy who loves to squeeze all I can from a gallon of gas that right now is 306.09 a gallon here. dan
I've been lucky enough to have been over 140mph a big handful of times. Most on bikes, some in cars. It's a huge rush. But so is being at the edge on the riding mower, bicycles, and roller blades. I don't speed all that much any more. I don't want to pay the tickets or the insurance increases, and hurting my body no longer holds any cache'. I haven't had my Z28 over 115. My truck only goes to 96. The C only goes to 108. My KZ1100 speedo only goes to 85. Kinda no big deal any more. Been there, done that, got the the T-shirt, and it's already threadbare and in the back of the closet. What's next? Oh, the thrill of big mpg numbers. Got it.
Thanks. EVerything turned out fine. I'm glad that the car is capable just in case. It sounds like you got home in a hurry. I am thoroughly impressed as well. Wow, 108? That's nutz! Ah, age does slow us down. I used be a crazy driver in my 20s. Now in my 30s, I've slowed down. Don't laugh, it's true. I think I'll live longer that way. hahaha. Yes, I still get that urge here and there. I have the weekend car for that. The PRius C definitely forces me to drive slower. I've never let so many cars pass me by on the highway. I'm all smiles when the mpg goes up 50+ though. That's just plain crazy. Be safe out there. I'll do the same. I know there's a thread about people totaling the C without a scratch but at that speed, no one is safe. Yes sir! Motorcycles are muy dangerous. Glad you lived to tell us about it. The thrill of saving $$$ is what drives me most of the time. LOL
I have gone about 85 in the C to get around a truck so I could get to my exit. Was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to get there considering the C only has 99 hp. This really is a fine little car. Am looking forward to many happy miles and very excellent mileage!
Ditto. I'm 43. While my need for speed has not abated, the way I go about it has. My motorcycle is for speed, my car is for A to B travel and economy. I also ride my motorcycle a lot more sensibly too. No more death-defying rides. I guess I survived enough of those to come to my senses...
108 sounds about right to me. Got it up to right around there in a little car chase one time against an Evo. Must not have been much of a driver cause I was able to keep ahead of him most of the time.
LOL You cats is crayzee! I bet that little 1.3 liter was screaming. Was the battery discharging as well? What was the MPG?
Driving a slow car fast is like wearing a dark suit and wetting your pants. It gives you a warm feeling and no one notices.
We all know we drive an "efficient" car. The whole purpose of the forum is to ask, share, and explore. Go crap on someone else's thread if you got nothing useful to share. Where I live, Prius liftbacks are known to zip by everyone at a very high speed on the highways. There's no rule that says Prius drivers can't drive fast, especially when necessary.
LOL! But some people do notice. I zip onto the freeway and merge into faster moving traffic. It seems some people then speed up to pass me cause they can't see a little car flying by them. This happened with my Prizms and Ranger truck too. Prizms started to get a little flaky around 90. The Ranger - I never took it above @85 - kinda scary. But I'm old now and content to dawdle along. Besides - I live on an island - speeding here is kinda pointless.
I experienced the dark suit phenomena one time when I was going down a slight freeway grade at close to 80 mph in a Renault R8 with the engine sounding like a angry sewing machine on crack. I was slowly passing a Corvette as we went under an overpass. There was a Highway Patrol cop on the top at the on ramp. He came swooping down on us like a bird of prey and pulled over the Corvette I was passing.