OK... After getting no waves for months, I had stopped trying to get other Pri owners to wave...I figured the novelty was wearing off as more and more hit the road...I was pleasently surprised this morning to get a friendly wave from a Seaside! Yes, it is the little things that get me excited! So who was it? You were going west on Ken Caryl at Pierce at about 910 this morning and I was at the light in a Salsa...Sorry I didn't wave, you surprised me!
I've gotten waves from children in other Prii. But during my regular commute when I see other Prii, usually nothing. On the other hand, it just might be possible that some other Prius owners have waved at me but I have been too busy driving to see them.
I always wave, sometimes get a wave back, but can't hurt me to wave, and it can make some other Prius owner happy. Wave On...
My kids and I always wave to the many Prii in our area (the Virginia suburbs of Washington DC), but over the past six months we have experienced only five wave-backs.
Monday morning it was raining here and directly across the intersection was another Salsa Prius. He/she didn't have the headlights on so I flashed mine a few times to get the owner's attention. They didn't acknowledge the flash or wave or anything. That's just plain rude!
haha, you guys might get a kick out of this, but as I blew by a Prius on my bike over the Howard Franklin bridge connecting Tampa to St. Petersburg, I gave the driver an extended "thumbs up" (to make sure he saw it) as I came up on his right, and ultimately switched into the lane in front of him just before engaging warp drive... h34r:
No more waves from Prius drivers here , just too many Prius here now. People here just gawk and stare and point at my Prius. Still waiting for my first middle finger from a Prius driver <_<
So was the Prius black, or the driver... As for myself...I've waved 5 times to no avail, but we still get a lot of looks for people, especially the ones driving pick-ups.
I don't have my Prius yet and I find myself waving to Prius drivers, and quite a few wave back! :lol:
I was taking some coworkers to lunch. We passes a Prius and the driver turned and waved. Of course, I waved back. One of the guys in my car turned to the other and said, "see? I told you it was a cult."
I've never gotten a wave or a look from anyone. I wave fairly often (whenever I think there's a good chance that the other driver can see me)
:lol: :lol: Next time, veer from your destination and say you're taking them to a "Prius Faith Meeting".