Hey all. I've done a few searches and read a few threads on this so forgive me if this is a well worn subject. Basically, here's the deal. My 2005 Prius is at 120,000 miles. I have taken it into the dealer every 5000 miles and always had whatever recommended package and maintenance they suggested. This was the first new car I ever owned and I wanted to make sure it was as well maintained as possible. And especially when I bought it, Priuses weren't as widespread so I wanted to make sure I took it to someone who knew the car and what to maintain and check. Now today I just dropped $500 on the 120,000 mile maintenance package and an engine cleaning to get rid of carbon buildup around the intake valves (or something like that). Ouch. Am I a good car owner just making sure my investment lasts as long as possible or a shmuck with no car knowledge getting milked for way more money than I need to be? Are there any places where I can see something like "get A done, but you can pass on B and C"? Thanks for any input and opinions!
I'm not sure what the A,B,C packages are but I also take my 2006 to the dealer every 5K. I have currently 92,000 miles on it and am thrilled with the low maintenance cost since it was new. I do supply the dealer with Mobil-1 and a new oil filter each time. Also, I installed a magnetic drain plug from the beginning which I am told is an advantage. My dealer wants about $400-$500 for the 120,000 mile service which includes a tune-up, and all fluid changes. It seems your estimate is about right. Have you had your front brakes done? Because of minimal usage (with regenerative breaking) I am about to have them done for the first time within the next 10K. They will also replace the rotors as they tend to rust. Resurfacing, I am told, is not an option. Good luck.
I just meant a generic A, B, C like "oh at this mileage you just need the oil and filters changed but you can pass up the other recommended stuff as it's not needed." I've just always taken the better safe than sorry option.
I think you should read "what services you need and what you don't" in the yellow section at the top of the opening page of Gen2 care and maintenance and troubleshooting. Everything you need to know in there.
Don't feel like that we all have to start some where. There is much useful information on PC but the search facility is not intuitive, the best thing to do is ask. By the way welcome to PC. John.
Talk about feeling like an idiot I just welcomed you to PC seeing on your avatar it says you are a new member or you were in 2005.