Well, as a Sydney-sider you'd think i would have seen plenty by now, but i am pleased to say that i had my first Prius sighting on Friday night! I was behind a sexy silver 2004 Prius and i was educating the taxi driver about what the car is. "see that hybrid-synergy drive symbol" etc etc. My boyfriend thought it was hilarious. After studing the car i am completely obsessed. as soon as i am on a full time wage i want one! especially now that we are paying $1.04 per litre here! Also, i finished the assignment. It was 50 pages. Thankyou so much to the people that filled out my survey, and to John for his fantastic website. I won't post the assignment here because it is so large... probably the most i have ever worked on something because i was so interested. Thanks for letting me have a rant. Power to the Prius
I'd love to see it too. Feel free to post it - if it's too big to attach email it to me and I can host it for you.
Today I had a record high of Prius Sightings! I saw 5 '04's and 2 classics around Orange County. Very cool!!!