Just got my Alpine White Prius C today and I love it! Got 4.8 L/100km my first 20 km loop, then 4.0 L/100 km on a 60 km loop including highway and a steep hill on the way home. I can't wait to work on my hypermiling to improve even more
Fantastic. I assume these are trip readouts. Hopefully you guys are able to maintain the mileage over the entire tank!
Metrotown to my apartment. Granted it's on average a gradual downhill... the way there I averaged about double that. Galaxy Nexus ? 2
Finally had to do my first fillup. 32.5 L for 690 km or 4.7 L /100 km. this is even better than the 4.8 on the readout. Did I mention I love this car?
I goes to Zoo de Gandby saturday... a 440 km trip, half highway, 1/4 little roads and 1/4 city. 108 km/h on Highway... 96 km on little roads (90 km/h zone), 76 km/h on 70/h zones and 55 km/h on city zone. I got 4.0 l/100 in the morning, with 4 peoples + stock in the car. In the evening. my gf took the driver place... and she don't care about fuel economy. 122 km/h on highway, 100 km/h (90 km/h zone), 85 km/h on 70 zone, 65 km/h in the city, with all accelerations far on the power zone... and she got 4.9 l/100. Only 0.9 l/100 more!! Very nice!!!
I did some test with 2 different tank fill-up, one with 87 Octane and the other with 91 Octane. Result is surprising First fill-up -> 87 Octane - 5.5L/100km - 15% with air cond - 25% highway - 75% city - car brand new - 0 to 566km second fill-up -> 91 Octane - 4.75L/100km - 80% with air cond - 25% highway - 75% city - 633 km later I must tell you that I'm not looking for the ultimate saving in gas and I drive the car gently but not in excess, as long I'm doing a good millage compare to my previous vehicule (12 to 15L/100km) I'm happy. I just did the 3rd refill with the 87 Octane and will see if it comes back to 5.5L/100km, if it's the case, I will probably stick with the 91 Octane as it's Ethanol free and at the end cost me the same thing with more millage but a little more expensive per liter. The 91 will also run cleaner (no ethanol) . Any one did experience similar results ?
It could also be that your driving is getting more efficient, and the car's efficiency is "breaking in" with usage. Your tank won't really be ethanol free unless you use nearly the whole thing, fill it up, use almost the whole thing again, and fill it up once more.
You're right, I'm still in a learning curve with that car but using the air cond 80% of the time in the second fill-up makes me think I'm still doing very good with the 91 Octane. Will see with the next fill-up (87) if I do better or not as it's really hot over here in Mtl and still use the air almost full blast every day (Can't stand the big heat )
Yeah you'll have to average it over several tanks. Your dealer tank will usually be the worse because the car is new and you don't know how full the tank was and so on.
The nice problem with this car and the millage I'm doing, it takes forever for the next fill-up and like you said I will stick with the 87 Octane for the next 2 or 3 tank and see what comes up with it. Also it may take a little while for the engine breaking process. Believe me or not, when I took delivery of the car, the dealer bring me to a satisfaction delivery ride with the car and ask me to stop by a gas station to make sure it was completely filled up (not overfilled) a missing $6... that gave me a very good feeling about the service compare to other car delivery I previously experienced.
Drove down to Point Roberts to pick up a package yesterday, so I filled up at $1.169/L despite not having finished the tank. 6.045 gallons (22.88 L), 571.8 km, so 4.00 L / 100 km. Trip meter says 3.9. Between driving technique and route choices, I've been managing to keep most of my trips in the (reported by the car) below 4.0 zone. I had to return to work yesterday evening after that trip to pick something up I'd left behind. En route home, the roads in the industrial park where I work were totally clear. What a normal car owner would do in that scenario is revel in being able to get home as fast as possible. What a nerdy Prius C owner would say is, "Hey, there's nobody behind me. I can accelerate as slowly as I want to and stay on EV the whole time. Sweet!" Sadly when I turned right from Marine Dr onto Victoria, there was a car directly behind me, so I couldn't meander up the hill like I prefer to. Had to "gun it" instead.
Just for kicks, this one. I stopped for takeout at 41st and Knight which is at the top of a hill. Then got back in on a full battery and drove north downhill until I got home. The traffic was heavy but I was on EV at least half the time. Not too shabby ;-) Galaxy Nexus ? 2
Just picked up my Prius c 3 weeks ago. Drove from Montreal to Quebec city to test drive one, and waited 5 months to get it. Then the morning after was parked on the street at a friends house and the neighbour across the street backs out of her driveway and bangs into my car. the back door on drivers side badly damaged. Not even 24 hrs in my possession!!! Have to change the door and can't be done until Nov 19th, so owning a Prius forces one to be patient! Now about the mileage. Not too good on first fill up, 550 km and put in 33 litters. Display on drive monitor ranges from 5.6-.5.9. After every trip , no consistency ranging from 4.6 to 10. One time it even said 14!! Have read all the info on how to drive this hybrid and feel I am doing it right, but really disappointed so far. Love the car though. So ,does this sound normal cause I am in eco mode most of the time and have a 30 km round trip in city commute. I hope it gets better because I traded my 2006 Honda civic because of the bad mileage so I was expecting so much more. Thanks
Trishleigh, sorry to hear about your C getting hit! I'm glad you brought this thread back to life though, because it's good to get a canadian perspective on fuel economy. i've been consistently averaging 4.8 L/100km for the month i've had the car, and i sometimes wonder if i'm comparing apples to oranges when i compare my efficiency to people in other locales. i'm often making the trek between toronto and barrie along highway 400, which is a 100km/h road with a number of long gradual hills lasting several km. i've been experimenting with being a slowpoke in the right lane, but often its tough even keeping 80-90km/h speeds without pushing the engine beyond the 5.0 L/100km range. likewise when driving in the city (which to be honest i try to avoid), its hard getting good mileage because there is heavy traffic and LOTS of stoplights. you often have no choice but to accelerate reasonably briskly from a light so as not to anger the many other drivers trying to get through the intersection, but then you immediately have to brake for the next light. finally, i guess this will be the first winter for all C owners, but i'm assuming people who have just started driving as the colder weather starts will feel some disappointment reading the warmer weather mpg numbers we've seen reported here so far. especially those of us in regions that are already getting close to freezing.
You are so right about the city driving, as you do have to keep up with the flow of traffic. I'm sure the winter will decrease mileage with snow tires and more heating. It will be interesting to see how everyone does.
And the Trip Summary shows you how short trips can impact fuel economy (14L/100km). I wouldn't worry and just worry about the tank average (so what's the final number when you fill up which would average out your 1.5L/100km and 14L/100km trips). It's easy to get low trip numbers, just start on top of a hill and park at the bottom! So yes, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Also, keep in mind that winter is coming. You'll be dealing with winter fuel blend (if it hasn't arrived in QC yet), colder temps (so the heater is running more often and thus the engine will idle longer), winter tyres (more aggressive treads) and of course snow (pushing slush and deep snow requires more energy).
I thought my good numbers were over till next spring, but I just managed a 3.6 l/100km trip over 100km! Now I just gotta finish the tank before I put snows on
Thanks for the encouragement, I will keep track of my fill-ups and compare that with others. Am only on my 2nd tank. First one did 550km and put in 33 litters, so hope it improves.
Sometimes it's better to break in a Prius in the winter, then you only have to endure 6 months of "poor mileage" instead of 6 months + the no. of months prior to winter to the month you bought the car. =). Oh and the c does have a smaller fuel tank. The liftback and v have 45 litre tanks (low fuel light comes on at 35) and I think the c is 36 litres?