friends. Does anyone know of a Maine locksmith who can program a Prius key fob successfully and cut a new key? My dealer wants $350 for a fob, but I read elsewhere in this forum that we can buy a key from a dealer on EBay and have it programmed by a locksmith. Thanks for any information anyone has to share! J
Thank you very much. I read through that thread. I am confused about be thing. I was told by my dealer that I can not drive the car using a key....only a key FOB. It appears from what I read in that thread that you are cutting the metal keys that fit inside the FOB. Is that correct or am I misunderstanding something? I have only one key fob. I know that I can gain entry to the vehicle using the metal key that fits inside the fob, but I cannot drive the car with it....that's what the dealer told me anyway. ???
Your post is a little confusing. The key that fits inside of the fob can only be used for unlocking the doors, it is there so that if the battery in the fob goes flat you can still open the doors. Blank keys can be cut using your spare key as a pattern. The fob is not programmed for the car, the car is programmed to accept the fob by doing the so called chicken dance. It is the fob that allows you to drive the car not the key.
Gen2 mechanical keys are standard keys. They can be duplicated anywhere. Gen3 emergency keys (2010-later) are laser cut keys, requiring a special type of key cutting machine. In both cases, the key is stored in the fob, and only unlocks the doors, once you remove it & insert it into the lockset The fob has the circuitry to start the car, and also unlock the doors remotely. Gen2 (as your 2007 is) should be able to be programmed with the chicken dance, but Gen3 cannot, and again, requires special equipment to succeed. (The ECU is programmed in both cases - the fob is essentially dumb). I referred you to the chicken dance because you should not need "the special" equipment needed for Gen3 cars And you understood correctly, just lacked the Gen2 / Gen3 differences. You are in good shape. EVO ? 2
I'm sorry. I'm still confused. Are you saying that I can purchase a key fob through the EBay dealer and program it myself? I don't think I've actually found the so called "chicken dance".
Okay, I think I found the chicken dance this post... IMPORTANT EXPERIENCE: KEY/FOB Programming Issues | PriusChat So my remaining question it safe for me to purchase a new silver logo key fob on EBay with the expectation that when I receive it all I have to do is the chicken dance and I will have a new, fully useful key fob ??
The EBay seller I'm looking at is called "remotes restock". Their ad says the remotes are not user programmable. This means the chicken dance won't work, correct?
Providing that the fob is new (never married to a car), a silver-back logo, and you have SKS... Yes In any event, even if you get a working, but previously married fob, it can be made to work IF you RESET the SKS ECU (seed value required). You are getting your head around this. Congrats! PM me if you run into issues
h00ktern, you are a very kind and patient person. I can't thank you enough for your kindness in taking the time to respond to what I'm sure are irritatingly novice questions. I appreciate your time very much. I do have a key fob with the silver logo. However, I notice that on the Ebay remotesoverstock site, even the NEW fobs have the statement at the bottom of the ad stating that they are not user programmable. So....just to confirm prior to laying out $190 dollars for a brand new fob, even though the ad says that, can I still successfully program a new fob using the chicken dance method? They have one noted as "lightly used" with an uncut key for $120, but since I don't comprehend what "seed value" is, I suspect I'd better stay away from those? Thank you again for your time and energy spent helping me through this problem. Julia
I also read this on our PriusChat forum and it concerned me as well: The chicken dance allows you to work the RFID (immobilizer) aspect ONLY. No matter how much voodoo you do, the VID of the smart key fob must be programmed using the factory scan tool, a TIS subscription with security professional (locksmithing license required), a seed reset fee $40, and the knowledge of how to supplant the VID, because it cannot be deleted. Read more: IMPORTANT EXPERIENCE: KEY/FOB Programming Issues | PriusChat
I would email them and ask specifically, "Is this particular fob brand new, having never been married to a vehicle... will you accept the return of the fob if it turns out that is has been married to a previous vehicle?" The second paragraph mentioning VIDs - my understanding is that for argument sake, a new fob is virgin. Only after the first programming occurs does the VID get burned into the fob. Consequently, if a fob has a VID, it is by definition "USED" and cannot be programmed with the chicken dance procedure. Specifically relating to Gen3s, a new fob may be added to the module with nothing more than Techstream and a Mongoose cable. A used fob requires the seed reset. Similarly, with your Gen2, a new fob can be programmed via chicken dance, but a used fob with a non-matching VID cannot. What none of us can guarantee is that the fob you buy is virgin, thus programmable with the chicken dance. EVO ? 2
Don't feel bad. It took me several months of reading (and questioning those that I thought knew more) before I could plunge into it with some comprehension of what was going on... and I still to date call some of it black magic. Let me scour through some PMs and see if I can find one that explains the info better. Facts are hard to pin down, but the process is simple... once you do it EVO ? 2
Julia2001, I have never had the need for a replacement fob, so I am without the practical experience that some others giving you advice here have, so I have just a few comments. The "seed" thing can be very expensive & is reserved for when an owner has lost their last remaining fob. You need to have a good working fob to program the car to accept any new fobs, so for this reason one should never be down to living with just one fob (unless you just lost the 2nd one). It's best to get a new one right away. You can have the car programmed for up to 4 fobs, so any previously lost ones should be deleted from the car's memory [so that anyone who finds your lost one (from the past) can't just get into your car & drive it away]. The "seed" will reset your car's computer/ecu & erase all previous fobs from its memory & make it ready to accept the programming of up to 4 new fobs into its memory. (You do NOT need a "seed" to erase any lost fobs as long as you still have one fully functional working fob). One caution, when buying a fob from e-bay, is that you need to know the PROPER part number ahead of time (from your dealer) for your 2007 model year, because I believe there was a different P/N for the 2004/2005 fobs that supposedly won't work on a 2006-2009 Prius (yes, it still does need to be with the silver logo if you have a car with the SKS locks). If the e-bay fob is truly new, then the package should have a Toyota P/N label on it & that number should match the number your dealer tells you is for your car. I hope this clears things up a little. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Wow, Ken. Thank you so much for all of this information! I will call my dealer now for the proper part number. I hope they will give it to me. Thanks so much for taking the time to offer this information. I really appreciate your time. Julia
Good morning, friends. I just wanted to let you all know that I was able to purchase a brand new silver-logo key fob for my 2007 Prius for $150 plus shipping through a dealership in Cleveland, and I was also able to successfully program my vehicle to accept the new fob, (ALL SKS FUNCTIONS INCLUDED!) by doing the so-called "chicken dance" as noted in other threads in PriusChat. If anyone needs further information, I would be happy to help in any way I can. While $150 is an annoying amount of money to pay for a car key, I am thrilled beyond words to have "only" had to pay $150 instead of the $350 my local Toyota dealership (where I bought the car!) quoted me for the fob plus programming. The chicken dance is my new favorite dance. PriusChat is my new favorite website. Thanks very much again to all members who contributed to this thread. I appreciate all of you, and the time and effort you contributed to my need to have two keys for my car! Julia
I just bought a used one that is from a 2007 prius with sks to replace mine that has been beat up by the keys on the key ring. It looks like it has been pressed to death, but we rarely use the fob to lock the car we just press the door button. I bought mine from ebay used it was married to a car so I was told the dealer has to program it to match my car. if they cant I guess I will be out 20 bucks the dealer on the phone said it would be around 100 to reprogram the used fob to my car. I guess I will soon see when the fob arrives
Good luck! I hope it works out for you. If so, you'll have another key fob for $120! Not bad! Remember to change the internal battery.