I have had my Prius C for 3 weeks now. i have averaged 61-63 MPG. Each week i have driven OVER 500 miles before filling up and still had a gallon left in the tank. Im so happy with this car so far. my only concern is how long it will last me.
Wow that's very good driving! The car will out last the owner in most cases because this is a Toyota Hybrid.
My last Toyota, a 1990 Corolla, survived 22+ years. The drive train and engine were still sound. Body was starting to rust and it had some other issues, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. Later this year my commute will increase from 4 miles with no traffic to 30 miles with heavy traffic. The Corolla simply didn't have the safety equipment/design that we have with our Prii. A highway speed accident would likely turn me into a statistic. I traded in the Corolla as much for the improved safety as the need for a new car. Tom
today i tried a new tactic. i drove directly behind a semi for most of the hwy drive to work. i was going approx 58 to 60 mph. my mpg increased from 61 mpg to 74 mpg. total miles was about 75 miles. im shocked at the difference! unfortunately, i could not find the right spot on the way home and i dropped to 69 mpg. i watched you tube for driving tips. i think im becoming a hypermiler!?!?!?!?!?
Rich: Are you sure you're driving a Prius C because the photo on your profile here and on Fuelly shows GenIII Prius!?
Wow MPGs go way up doing that looks like. How far were you from the truck? One main reason I won't draft is to not get road rash on the front end and the AC condenser.
All of the accumulated chips you acquire when habitually traveling too close to other vehicles. I was reminded of this thread when I was driving home yesterday and observed 5 vehicles with flat tires within a 10mile stretch of freeway. I was dodging tire scraps when the truck in front and to the left of my slowed suddenly. He must have left enough room between himself and the car in front of him because the lead car's tire tread (the entire thing) missed hitting the truck's bumper but the truck drove over it and the poor Honda Accord behind the truck (about 2 car lengths behind the truck) took the tread square in the front of his bumper! It smashed the bumper cover so bad it broke and was dragging on the ground. He floored it and exited the freeway. I noticed three other vehicles on the side of the road at that exit. I just barely dodged all the crap flying around. It helps when you're only driving 60mph vs. 75-80mph like everyone else. LOl