Occasionally I see a 2010 Prius I advertised for sale. What does the I not have, that the II does have?
The Prius I is the lowest base model intended for fleet use I think. Lacks some basic things like cruise control.. The previous poster thought you meant the 1st Prius model released in the US. I assume you mean a Gen III Prius One.
A 2010 is a Gen III so he is in the correct forum. He is talking about the model or package I and II. The 2010 Prius I (or now the One) was not originally available for the general public but only to commercial fleets such as rental cars, etc. So there is not a lot of documentation on what is available. My guess would be a even more scaled down version of the II or Two.
I have yet to see a prius I. They have to have the bare minimum in features & options since the II is pretty basic.
Wouldn't that be more money to re engineer the panels for no power windows? ...And just supply manual cranks for 4 windows at a higher cost per wholesale unit?
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