Hi guys. I'm currently in the shop after experiencing this problem (after they replaced the fuel tank). The techs are trying to tell me this problem is omnipresent, and I want to fact check. I can't find evidence on the Net to verify. I know for a fact the fuel tank is low (warning light, miles driven, etc). I go to a gas station and try to fill. The handle releases immediately. I can get a few tenths of a gallon in this way, but it just immediately clicks off. I try a different gas station and the fueling happens fine. Is this a problem other people have experienced? Thanks!
Yes make sure the nozzle is all the way in. pumps these days are sensitive for safety reasons. I have the same thing happening with my 2003 toyota echo but inserting the nozzle all the way in seems to work. Hope this helps Cheers
I've done that, put the nozzle all the way in, pulled it out, reinserted, put it in at different depths; I've all but gotten my car off
Maybe since it's a new tank the internal bladder is extra stiff? Once you've taken the gas cap off wait a few seconds for the pressure to equalize before you put the nozzle in, and then pump the gas slowly. Yeah, it'll take longer but the car has a small tank to begin with, so...
It is true that filling the Classic and 2G Prius fuel tank can be challenging. I suggest that you use the MFD mpg and miles driven indicator to keep track of fuel consumed, and reset it each time you buy fuel. For example, if you see that you have driven 400 miles and have logged 50 mpg since your last fueling, then you know you need to add at least 8 gallons. Then you can feel comfortable continuing to pump fuel until you have pumped at least that amount.
Mine does that from time to time. I've found some gas pumps are better than others, I've stopped buying gas at certain stations just because of this issue. Find a station that works and fill up there more sometimes turning the nozzle one way or the other helps but make sure it's in as far as it will go.
Hi Anusien-- I haven't had a problem quite as bad as you describe but I have had times where the gas pump clicked off way too early. I've found that if I stick the pump just a fraction of an inch into the tank - enough to part the opening but nothing else - that you can pump as much gasoline in at your leisure, but do it at a slow rate. (Until it squirts back at you if you pump too much, of course.) I use the MFD to approximate about how much gasoline I need - and it's typically between 9 and 10 gallons (in the summer).
Even if you have used 8 gallons, the tank might not take 8 gallons because of the expanding bladder, right?
I have been having this problem recently, but it is a new issue for me. The tank is the original one that came with my 2007. Just my data point.
The implicit assumption behind your statement is that the fuel tank was previously filled to the fuel filler opening. My experience is that typically there will be a gallon or two of "headroom" remaining when the fuel pump clicks off under normal conditions. I'm suggesting the use of the MFD to track fuel consumption as a way to help those owners who run into a balky gasoline station pump where the dispenser is quick to click off although plenty of empty space remains in the bladder. They may be afraid to pump the needed amount of fuel since they have been told to stop pumping fuel after the dispenser first clicks off. If they know how much fuel was consumed, they can feel reasonable confidence about pumping that amount regardless of early dispenser click offs.