The OTD price is the OTD price. Yes. There are factory to dealer incentives, rebates, programs, etc. I usually snap the chalk line at (true) MSRP minus advertised rebates and about half of their markup, and I let them figure out the super-secret discounts. The truth is....if you start negotiating at the real MSRP, you've already stripped away a bunch of their dealer mark-ups and non-optional options. I was cruising through a Toyota lot the other month and I saw about $1,500 bolted onto the sticker in the form of nitrogenated tires, doc fees, paint and fabric protection, etc. They could whack $1,500 off of the price of this "hot selling car", tell you that you got one helluva good deal, and still move a unit at full MSRP! Then.....if you're foolish enough to trade a car in, they'll get you on that side of the deal for another thou. The truth is...if you lock in your financing before you go look at a car, don't trade in your present car, and you start shopping by phone or against dealer, you will eventually find one that's willing to move a unit at a reduced price. If you "just drive onto the lot to kick tires...." they'll sit back and watch you fall in love with that one special car with your color, and your "gotta-have" options, and then? You're negotiating against yourself. The truth is....there are probably four or five other cars with that color and trim level at another dealer within about 1-500 miles of you, depending on where you live. If you're willing to wiggle a little on color or options....there are deals out there.....and 20,999 is one helluva good OTD quote for a G3! You know what? A G3-Two gets just as good gas mileage and is just as dependable as a G3-Three. Silver and Blue??? Same story. looks almost the exact same as silver from inside the car. GOOD LUCK!
How long do you guys think prices will remain at these levels? I want to try to sell my current car first, which will probably take a few weeks.
I think the prices will only get lower the longer you wait...the 2013s will eventually arrive (probably september-october?). Car prices usually (by which I mean never) don't go up once the new year models come in. =) Edit: It shows in your avatar that you already have a 2012 Prius. Interested in getting a second one?
Thanks. When do the 2013s come in? Don't currently own a prius yet an didn't see i had the option to select non prius when signing up. Fixed.
2013s are not expected out until end of year. Just got a 2012 Prius Two for $20,999 plus TTL on the east coast. No hassle. It's been weeks of reading about California deals and I finally found the deal at Maguire Toyota in Ithaca, NY (about 4.5 hours from me). Apparently they do high volume and can afford to offer a no-haggle price. Ask for Rue Chagoll. Not trying to advertise but I was researching for a long time and PriusChat has always been my go-to for ALL information, and I feel like sharing the wealth. [Wow, I just read the "what every newbie must know about their Prius"... a lot! ]
Hoping the good deals will still be available in So Cal next month. Trying to sell my car first before I buy a Prius.
Congratulations ? What color did you get ? Keep us informed of your gas mileage, performance , etc.. Last , was there a trade .? If so , was it a fairly decent one ? Thanks and pics please ( +1 ) .
Thanks for the post, I'm in the same boat as you were. I saw them while searching and it may be well worth the price of airfare and gas from what I have been able to get around me. I was a little concerned they would roll me once I got to their lot. Were there any other dealers fees added to the price?
I got the silver one (no options) with 2 miles on it, so it might have had one test drive already? It is so pretty. Driving the 255 miles home, I did three segments. The last two I got 57.9 and 59.1 MPG (didn't see the first one, I was a little overwhelmed).
No added fees at all. $20,999 was the total price. The salesman was straightforward, and no pressure. I ended up calling him because I get a lot more done over phone than email (plus I can hear any funny stuff... there wasn't any). When I got there, he ended up spending extra time to show me all the stuff that I needed to drive home AND he synced my phone so I could make hands-free calls. Got me a lower APR than my bank could do. Now, I will tell you I was nervous spending $220 bucks on a one-way car plus gas plus a taxi... But I figure you can't win if you don't play. The 4.5 hour drive each way was okay, but made for a long day. Oh, when I was there... they were shipping a Prius to Chicago.
I'm having trouble getting this price in So Cal right now. On a positive note, Toyota has 0% APR on the Prius.
I contacted Rue, for her this deal expired 7/31. Anyone else on east coast have a contact? I'm willing to fly/drive
I called Rue last night, and he was checking on the new beginning of the month numbers. I haven't heard back yet, but it doesn't sound too good. I am ready to fly/drive as well to find a straight up dealer as I'm getting real tired of playing this game with nearby dealers. Shouldn't getting a new car be fun?
I looked and it looks like currently Maguire Toyota is offering the Prius Two at $22,933. I'm sorry to see that the $20,999 isn't available anymore. It got me thinking that maybe they were cutting the prices to get the sales numbers up for the month, and maybe it resets at the beginning of the next month?
After several days of negotiation with different NC dealers, I managed to land a new Prius Three for a hair above $25,000 OTD. I'm pretty excited about it -- most prices I've seen for Threes were at least that without factoring tax/tag/etc. Picking it up tomorrow
Day two with the Prius -- love it. It definitely appeals to my geeky side; feels like a drivable computer. I greatly appreciate all of the information I've gleamed from this site over the past few weeks (of lurking) when making the decision to join the club!