I am not surprised by the number of engineers on PC, but I am very surprised by the number of Doctors. I don't remember seeing many lawyers. There seem to be a lot who are in IT or some Computer related field. As far as I know, I am the only architect on here. Has anyone done a poll on this yet? Is there any interest in one? If we do such a poll, it would be nice to get general agreement what categories should be included. Engineer Medical Doctor Pilot Teacher Informtion Technology Computer Programmer Architect Graphic Designer ??? ??? ???
hmmm.... i would say break it into two main categories first: blue collar, white collar, and a listing of generalized occupations within each...
maybe its a Washington thing,(we do have more than our share...still aint enough though) but every hospital in the state looks like a Toyota dealership lot specializing in Priuses
Well, if you do, include "scientist". this not-an-engineer likes having her own poll answer! (and I think there are several of us here, seeing as the Prius attracts so many geeks...) Michelle
[Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
Actually, there is a poll for engineering degrees or training. Further, there is (or was) a thread running around here wherein a number of members posted what they did for a living.
If you do end up making this into a poll, include 'Real Estate'. I have a feeling that considering the amount of driving a real estate agent, appraiser, home inspector, etc does during your typical week, there may be many out there that are Prius owners. But there may be not many on here cometothinkofit...except for me and remaxmanager that I know of offhand.
Jim, I don't think an even faintly thorough one has been done. It's not easy knowing where to draw the line on occupations---every list is different. You'll have an "other" choice so people can post theirs, anyway---just a matter of how many will need to. I don't think it will cut your poll participation much in any case. retired or semi-retired (if semi, what PT job?) FT or PT student (major field?) building contractor or building tradesperson realtor financial services health care/social services/recreation clerical (private or gov't) administrative/mid-level mgt (private or gov't) retail/sales self-employed: business/consultant/service technician broadcast or print media or writing (still thinking--feel free to ignore/revise)
Very Helpful Jack Thanks. I am not sure there is enough intrest yet, but if there is, I will try to put a good, inclusive one together and will need some help. I did have an idea how to shorten it Poll Question: "Are you a Medical Doctor?" 1. Yes 2. No :lol:
[after looking at Priusonline's "survey"] Actually, nothing wrong with the way they're doing it (it's still current). It's more personal, and there will inevitably be more interplay, whereas with an anonymous poll, there won't be unless someone is motivated both to "vote" and post. Heck, what's to lose? Just start a thread. Edit: ...and put in a disclaimer that I egged you on. :lol: