My family and I went on vacation to the Black Hills of South Dakota last week. Before going, decided that my wife and I should take 2 FOBs with us. Good thing too, as for the first time in 8 1/2 years of ownership, I jumped into a pool with the my FOB still in my swimsuit pocket. It was soaked, I got it out ASAP and threw it onto a poolside chair. A guy swimming sees this and suggests that I put into a bag of rice for a few hours to dry it out. He mentions that the dry rice will absorb the moisture out. He also mentions that it works on cell phones, too. I get near the car, press Lock, Unlock...of course nothing. So I wrap it up in aluminum foil - my thought is so that it won't interfere or short circuit if it starts drying out. Also to lock it in the car while using the other FOB. I leave it like that for 4 days while we complete our trip and drive home using my wife's FOB. Get home, and that night put the FOB in a baggie of dry rice before going to bed. Wake up the next morning to my disbelief it WORKS. Didn't even have to take it apart or change the battery. I've been home for a few days now and it's been working since. (Wireless door unlock, wireless start, push button door lock/unlock)
good post, super lucky as I have replaced a FOB and it was not cheap (also my dealer tried and said you can not reprogram used fobs =((( . )
i have stupidly run my FOB though the washer a couple of times, didn't find out until i was throwing the jeans in the dryer and heard a heavy thunk. It went through a wash cycle and 2 rinse cycles. the first time i threw it on my dresser kicking myself and thinking i am going to have to spend a fortune to replace my spare key and on a lark the next afternoon i decided to try unlocking the car with it. GUESS WHAT!!!!! IT WORKED. needless to say i didn't freak out quite so bad the second time, but i am more careful to check my pockets before i throw them in the washer now. don't really want to press my exceptional good luck
It is a good idea to remove the battery from a fob that has been in water until it has dried out, this is because the current from the battery with the water can erode the small printed circuit and the connecting wires to micro chips on the print.