While reading the 2004 prius manual, I noticed that it recommends that one bring the car to a dealer to replace the fog lamps, otherwise damage to the bumper may result. Has anyone found out what fog light replacement entails? Thanks.
>While reading the 2004 prius manual, I noticed that it recommends that >one bring the car to a dealer to replace the fog lamps, otherwise damage >to the bumper may result. Call me old fashioned, but I liked it back when you could expect a bumper to be stronger than a fog light. I also liked it when you could change a light bulb without making a dealer service visit out of it...
I would take it to the dealer to replace---if the bulb is bad, it should be under warranty. Otherwise the maintenance manual states that the LH and RH front fender liners, the front bumper cover and the radiator grille lower LH or RH side needs to be removed. The lamp assembly is held into the lower grille by three plastic "claws" that need to be disengaged prior to pushing the lamp assembly out. Then you can change the bulb and reassemble the unit. The possible damage come into play when removing the bumper cover. The manual states that you must put protective tape under the front fenders and tape the end of the screwdriver used to disengage the 8 clips that hold the cover on. Sure wish Toyota had made access to the "claws" through the front of the grille which would have alleviated this problem.
On an old volvo 960 my foggies were integrated in the front grille brightwork. They were next to the headlights and provided a fill of light that extended side to side such that the road's edges were fully illuminated. In addition a rear foggie was included (most valuable as it warned folks behind that there was a large green swedish brick in front of them to watch out for) With the Prius HID lights I have found the foggies to be next to useless. I've only noticed a very small amount of additional light and none illuminating the road edge. I always thought that fog lights help you to see the road edges so you don't go off the road in a pea-souper .... am I missing something.....?
Ditto to Lectricar--And I would love to use the fog lights exclusively--possibly as a DRL alternative--but they are "intertwined" with the HID's--YUCK! Maybe the good folks at CoastalEtech can come up with a solution.
I'd love a DRL mod that utilized my fogs. I hardly ever use them for driving, so this would be a good alternative. Having fogs for DRL's would be just enough to be visible, but not so bright that it's obnoxious