I started a thread a couple of weeks ago soliciting advice and information about purchasing a Prius C vs. a couple of other similar-size vehicles. Long story short I got some GREAT information from the forum members and after test driving all three vehicles I have hands-down decided that I want a C. Unfortunately I'm starting to wonder if I am just too late in the model year to get the car I want. I am looking for a C3 in Habanero with 15" wheels and a sunroof. I am in the metro Atlanta area and have spoken to three dealers (two relatively nearby my home and one on the other side of town through the Costco program). The first salesperson was very uninformed about the car and felt that the C3 with the options I required was not worth the money and tried to push a Gen-3 and a hybrid Camry on me instead. He also said that while he could order one that I would pay above MSRP and have to pay a substantial deposit plus wait 3-6 months. The second salesperson told me that orders were no longer being placed for the C since the new model year would be starting soon. He did not seem optimistic at all since I wanted habanero. He said that it was the worst-selling (and ugliest!) color and that it was no longer in production so if there wasn't already one in the U.S. that there wouldn't be another one. The third (Costco affiliate) dealership seemed slightly more optimistic but still tried to talk me out of the color. While the Costco price he gave me was very acceptable he said that it would be very, very difficult to get that color with those options. He also said orders were no longer being accepted. He told me that new cars are coming in via boat from Japan about every two weeks and he would give me a call if a matching car was destined for the Southeast. I'm not trying to be cynical but I'm not holding my breath :-/ So with all that said am I probably out of luck on getting the car I want? I feel that if I am paying $20,000+ for anything that I shouldn't have to compromise on ANYTHING. Perhaps that is an outdated mindset for car-buying in 2012 (the last new car I bought was in 2000 - a Camry that I still have and love). Are there any other tactics I should try to find this car or just wait to see if one shows up somewhere in the southeast that can be traded with a dealer? For what it's worth, I don't mind to wait on this car. If I can't get the color and options I want I will either wait until the new model year comes and order or just look at something else. I have been considering a new car for over 5 years now so I have a lot of patience.. Thanks for any guidance you can offer!
I used cars.com to help me locate cars. Worked great. If you don't mind driving out of the Atlanta area I bet you can find what you want on there. Dan
Hmmm...I am not very experienced in car dealing, but I think if you can compromise on color a bit, that will really help your chances of finding one. Also, I'm wondering if when the 2013 models come out, the 2012s left will be marked down finally. I really really wanted the Summer Rain color, but I was driving a rental (had a 2000 Camry also, it died) so I couldn't wait. I ended up with a choice between silver, black, and the dark blue color, all at different dealerships in RI. I picked silver. I still love my car and I think silver was my second choice anyway. I know you really want habanero, but maybe the red would be acceptable? Or, just wait a bit longer for next year's versions to come out!
Yeah, use that. I just searched it for within 500 miles of Rhode Island, and there are at least three Prius C Three's that are orange (that's how they described the color). Don't know about the sunroof. One was in Clinton, NJ, Muller Toyota.
I just want to wish you a good luck with your search. I am sure that the car will not disappoint your expectations. However, I really hate when the dealers trying to tell you all these weird stories in order to talk you to something else. Follow your goal, and I am sure you will find what you are looking for pretty soon.
How about vacationing in California- then drive back with your new car? Dealers in the SF Bay area are drowning in Habanero, and can't get rid of them. The car I test drove was a Habanero 3 with sunroof and 15" wheels...bought SummerRain package 4 instead. LOVE IT!!!!!
Thanks for the support everybody! It definitely seems like the sunroof is the dealbreaker.. Looks like I can have habanero with no sunroof or any other color with a sunroof.. According to Edmunds and cars.com there are C3's matching my needs in the eastern U.S. I actually wouldn't hesitate to buy in CA and drive back - that would actually be a complete thrill but I wouldn't be able to do it until September or October when business slows to a manageable level that I could walk away for a few days.. If nothing has happened here by then and I can find a decent plane ticket I will consider that.. I'm definitely not going to consider compromising on what I want until it's plainly obvious I won't get it. This is going to be a third car for my wife and I so we're in no hurry.
Honestly it sounds like typical car salesmen; uninformed, uninterested, and can't be bothered to actually do their job. 99% of the time they only want to sell you what's directly in front of them; they can't be bothered to even look at what's in stock or incoming, let alone trying to find you the car you actually want. What you have to do is keep shopping for the dealership that wants your business, not to pull the wool over your eyes. Start hounding the toyota.com inventory system, and perhaps start by contacting SoCal Diane [no affiliation, just an idea since she offers upfront info and no B.S. markup]. I've purchased several cars out of state & cross-country. It's worth a break-in and acclimation road-trip to get the car you want. Best of luck, Ryan
Don't compromise. It's your car, a huge dollar purchase, a long term purchase, something that defines your image. Find the most honest dealer who will work with you to order the car you want.
I too went through the Costco program, which I might add, thought was an excellent deal. I test drove a c3 on June the 25th and also thought, if I'm spending this much on a new vehicle, I want what I want and put in an order for the Summer Rain Metallic with SR & AW. This is my first brand new car that I plan on owning for a long time why settle. The salesman didn't even know the color existed, I showed him a pic off my phone to prove I wasn't making it up. My current vehicle is clinging to life and by week two I called the dealership up to see if I should change colors. I was told that it wasn't the color so much is the problem, just that the C's are being gobbled up and I'm better off waiting for the color I really want. July 21st rolls around and I get a call that the car that met my specs has been flagged for me on the ship. He informed me of the items that were being installed at port and I was able to add on to that. I was told the ship reaches port on the 7th and the dealership will have it by the 15th. I'm now counting down the days. I'm glad I didn't cave, even though I don't yet have my car, it's such a relief to know its on its way. I've been obsessing about it to say the least. I have read a couple articles that Toyota plans on boosting the shipments and I'm guessing they are starting to ship more colors out to more regions. Good luck, and hold out for what you really want.
This is want all of us need to do when buying a new car. If we collectively let salesmen talk us into what they want us to get it will only get worse. One week ago today i got my pruis C4 (BOOM) but it took a long long time (7weeks). I ordered the car after going through 3 sales that i had to just flat out tell them to "get out of my face" along with a few others things I cant repeat here. Finally I found a dealer and a sales guy that would do what I wanted. Crazy idea right the customer deciding what the car they are going to drive for the next 10 years looks and feels like. Givem Hell
If I had waited for my local dealer to get my car I'd still be on a waiting list. Instead I looked a car websites across the state. They list their entire inventory. Lo and behold I found my Prius C with all mr preferences about 90 miles away. Don't just shop local is my advice. Your local shop will honor Toyota Care without a problem.
There is currently a C3/ Habenaro/moonroof, but I'm not certain about the alloy wheels at the dealership I just purchased my C3 at in Minnesota. Rudy Luther Toyota Ph. 763-222-2020. Ask for Tony Banse. This would only be half the drive as picking up in California. Bud
A note on online shopping. Change the ZIPCODE in the Toyota Search to one TX or NY or CA as models available in each area are different.
I shopped a little bit in the beginning of the month and was starting to hear the same crap about how these are like the hottest car you can buy and how these are only going for sticker, etc. I received such an insulting amount on my trade-in yesterday I decided to pull a hail mary since that dealership offered it to me at invoice. I used the invoice bargaining to another dealer, negotiated the right amount for my trade, and we're all set with a Prius C3 at invoice. Keep working these people, it's their job to make you pay for stuff you don't want (or too much for the things you do want).
Thanks again to everyone for the input. I started looking around in other parts of the country for a match and have now found one in Hartford, CT. I haven't talked price yet but I will maybe wait another week or so to see if one shows up in the south and then possibly make a move on it if it's still available. I also contacted the dealership in Minnesota but haven't heard back yet about the one that MNBud mentioned. That would be fun because I used to live in Red Wing and would enjoy driving through and visiting again. I guess that cars are becoming like everything else in our disposable society - just sell people what's in front of their face. It takes a lot less effort and brainpower on BOTH parties' parts and in the end likely makes more money so it's a smart way to do business. People get tired of the car or the color, or want the new big thing so they trade it in after 12 or 18 months and perpetuate a very unhealthy debt cycle. I don't fault any business for making money any way they legally can - I just wish that consumers were smarter about what they buy and how they buy it. I haven't had a car payment in over 8 years and I'm stressed about having one for this!
Look, the plain and simple truth is that any dealer who makes you feel like you're getting swindled or that your feelings on the entire subject aren't important, is not worth your time. I'm very disappointed in the experience I had with one dealership, went to another and had very low expectations. They exceeded my expectations for a fantastic experience and I got what I wanted. But it's their job to make money, just like it's your job to save yourself some money. Be as educated as possible and work hard, don't just take the first offer they throw at you. Educated customers with a good dealer = Win-win!