From attached Power and Torque Curve I cobbled together, I would also like to determine the maximum ICE rpm for a variety of road speeds. The reason for this is I ultimately wish to know the maximum torque/power available to me at each road speed. So for example, if the PSD limits the engine to go to only 2000 rpm at 10 mph, then I would know that the maximum torque at 10 mph is 258 lb-ft with a corresponding 98.3 hp available at that moment. I believe I read that the maximum hp is only available at about 50 mph in the Gen III Prius. The goal is I would like to plot a Max Torque vs mph and a Max Power vs mph graph to supplement the "vs RPM" graph already provided. Thanks in advance.
I had read that thread before I started this, but it did not answer what I am asking. If there was a PSD simulator for the Gen III, I believe I could find the answer. I also had read this before starting this thread. This does show Wheel HP (WHP) vs mph which is close to what I'm looking for. But I would have know the efficiency losses at each speed to pull out correct data. Even If I could get correct power data, I would not be able to derive torque data vs mph from this as the x-axis in not in units of rpm. I know there was a thread somewhere that said Gen III output its max hp once speed is at 50 mph. Here's a Max RPM vs mph graph for the Gen I Prius which I was able to derive using the simulator on this site Toyota Prius - Power Split Device