Hear the cell phone ring

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by hawkjm73, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. hawkjm73

    hawkjm73 New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona
    I was fiddling around with my nav system the other day, and came upon a pleasing discovery. I can get the car to connect with my phone BEFORE the callee answers. No more "Hello...helloooo?" to start a conversation. I can also type in phone numbers and keep them. Here's how.

    The Pre-work:

    If you don't have any memory points registered in the nav, set one. It dosn't really matter where.

    On the nav menu (top right button beside the MFD,) select My Places. Then select edit and your memory place. Toward the bottom, you can edit the phone number. Enter it without "-"'s. You can also give it a name, and an icon of your choice. Now, you basically have an extended phone book entry. This will stay put, but I haven't tried disconnecting the 12V. Most likely, it will be lost then.

    The Call:

    Now, go to the destination screen (middle right button.) Pick Memory. Pick the memory point where you put the number. You should be at the map screen where you can adjust the position and commit the destination. Instead of doing that, find the "info" button towards the top of the screen and press it. You will go to a screen showing the details of the memory point. Near the bottom is the phone number. Press the little green "phone-off-the-hook" icon on the screen near the number. The next thing out of the car's speakers: Ring...ring...ring!
    Instant connection and no lag.


    This can be fully enabled while in motion by the "secret-screen" nav lockout overide.
  2. kpauley

    kpauley New Member

    Apr 23, 2005
    Gilroy, California
    Any time you dial from the MFD, it will connect to the phone before the phone answers, you will actually hear the ringing. It is only if you dial from your phone's keypad that this annoyance occurs.

    I believe using the MyPlaces as a way to do this was covered previously and is a good tip. Using the 1-Touch dial works all the time as well, no NAV defeat needed. That has satisfied most of my needs for dialing and is pretty easy to get to.


  3. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    I'm guessing this was all fixed for 2006, becuase mine doea all this already, well other than the keypad lockout while driving.

    When I dial, I always hear the phone ringing before they answer, regardless of whether I use the phone or speed buttons to dial.

    Also, I'm not sure, but I think the phone is now full duplex, as both sides can speak at the same time. No qualitative measure to verify this though, just sounds better.
  4. canadianimport

    canadianimport New Member

    Dec 18, 2005
    Livermore, CA
    In my 2006 there is a setting under the phone setup that allows for "Autoconnect". Whenever I start my car and my phone is around, it automatically connects and stays connected. There is no "lag" when dialing or receiving a call.
  5. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    geeus WHAT A HASSLE!!

    losing all your data is unexcusable in this day and age

    im glad i didnt get that option. i'll just wait for the 2007's to come out with the 30 mile AER feature that has removable memory stick capability so i use a real keyboard to enter the information.

    p.s. just trying to start a rumour here is all
  6. mikepaul

    mikepaul Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Columbia, SC
    2004 Prius
    Maybe I'm missing something...

    When I call somebody, I hear the whole ring-pickup-hello thing just fine.

    When somebody calls me, the 6230 rings then a moment later the call is patched through to the car.

    Sure, about half the time the car and the phone take a while to "autoconnect" when I'm leaving wherever I started from, but since I'm not called a lot there's no hassle other than not realizing I may not have the phone on me at all.

    What has improved?...
  7. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    What has improved?

    Incoming calls: Well, first of all, when a call cmes in, there is no delay in the car picking up the call. My phone does not ring, and the car mutes and rings right away. I can tell this because the backlight on my phone comes on instantly upon receiving a call, and the car has ALWAYS picked up at the same time.

    Outgoing calls: Never had a situation where the phone did not ring before the person answered. Hit send and the phone rings. No delay in connection.

    SOund Quality: Seems to be full duplex. You can speak and receive at the same time. No "walkie-talkie" effect others have spoken about.

    Call Waiting: No dropped calls. I can be speaking to someone, have another cll come in, and can switch between the two with no dropped calls.

    Phone Book: No BT number push, no problem. I entered all my numbers manually into the MFD and have all my cintacts and speed dials set up. Took about 30 minutes to enter them all. Now they are there to stay. Easy. Also, not sure if you can do this with 04-05, nut for each person you can pick a small con to represent Work/Home/Cell/etc for each number.

    Autoconnect: So far my phone has always connected automatically every time I have started the car. No delays, no having toplace a call to get it to connect, nothing. I get in, hit power and a few seconds later, "Bluetooth Connection Succesful," comes up. Every time.

    Also, I have a Verizon Treo 650, a hone that's been notorious for having problems with connections, dropped calls, and so on. Mine works flawlessly so far.

    Certainly seems improved compared to the problems those with 04-05 cars have been having.
  8. mikepaul

    mikepaul Senior Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Columbia, SC
    2004 Prius
    I'd have to experiment with the duplex issue, since I almost never keep talking over the other person.

    Some stuff can be traced back to phones with 'issues'. My Nokia 6230 shows no signal strength, etc. Connect problems may be similar to when I try to upload pictures to my computer and nothing happens.

    Otherwise, just more reasons why I'd want an '06.

  9. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    A good test, IMHO, would be to speak with someone who is in an environment with background noise that is loud and continuous. That's really the only serious issue I've experienced with my 04. In that type of setting, the other person simply can't hear anything I'm saying.

    Nope, not on the 04 at least.
  10. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    I did test this (sort of), and that's why I think it might be full-duplex now. I was talking to a friend and her husband was yelling something in the background while I was talking. She still heard me and I heard his voice too. If it was half duplex, that would not have happened, right?

    Anyway, got another pleasant surprise with teh BT today. I stopped at a gas station today (only the second time and I have almost a 1000 miles so far) and I was on the phone with my wife. I hit the cancel hadsfree button on my phone and continued talking to her using the phone itself. I got out pumped gas, and when I got in and hit Power, the car linked up again and switched to handsfree without so much as a hiccup. Totally seamless and no dropped call. Very impressed.
  11. bnlfanmatt

    bnlfanmatt Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Southwest suburbs of Chicago
    Alright, I thought most people knew this... but for at least 2005s (and before?) if you dial on your cell, and want the car to connect to the phone before the person picks up, that's what that #6 is for on the 1-touch dialing (I think it says "outgoing call"). I do have my 1-touch dialing set up for my most frequent number, but if I'm calling something else, and I can't dial through my display, that's how I do it.
  12. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    On my 2006, the phone is automatically connected, and works whether I dial from my phone or from the touchscreen. No need to hit any buttons to use the handsfree ever.
  13. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    Different phones work differently. Some do it automatically, even with the 2004/5 models, some have an "Audio transfer" command on the "in call" menu and, I am sure, there are other methods. It will help you get an answer if you provide your phone information.