Every year, it moves about an inch further from Earth. Ultimately, the Earth will begin to tilt greater than the current 23 degrees... The END IS coming...
It's all okay, Sqiud. We drive PZEVs. According to everything I've read that is enough to save the Earth.
:lol: That's right, and, by the way, the Prius comes with built in karma that will deflect any pieces of the moon that may get through the atmosphere.
Gravity is the distance from the centers of the two objects times their mass or something like that. So if the two objects - in this case the Earth and the moon - move further away, tidal forces should be lessened. That should result in lower high tide levels, less wobble in the Earth's orbital path, and fewer crazies on full moon nights.
Wow! Two semesters of Astrophysics and I could have avoided all that elliptical Trigonometry with the standard answer, "Earth sucks."
actually, the documentary I saw, concluded the wobble would INCREASE such that polar regions would turn into deserts... the whole thing was about various theories on how the moon was formed, it was very threatening, they really gave you the impression we were all done for pretty soon...
I wonder what will happen first: the sun increases in size such that it ultimately turns Earth into what we know as Mercury now, OR will the Moon move far enough away to cause all sorts of chaos?
See, if we'd just kept the manned moon missions going, we would have built bases on the moon, and eventually all the events of Space: 1999 would have taken place... ... and this issue would be moot.
How about the super volcano that is overdue to erupt in Yellowstone Park? or That big asteroid that we don't know about? or Those aliens which are pissed off that we have their spaceship in Area 51? Forget the moon - we've got some real things to worry about!
Don't feel bad. Earth looses a moon, but in about 5 billion years, Andromeda Galaxy might collides w/ Milky Way. You (if you live that long) will wish you rather loose a moon than having galaxies collide. heh heh http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/hp/vo/ava...01andmilwy.html
It's going to be much longer than that before the Milky Way and Andromeda collide. However, it is on that timescale that the Sun turns into a red giant and everything on Earth gets nicely roasted.
Nah, we know about it... http://www.guardian.co.uk/space/article/0,...1660485,00.html and http://www.theonion.com/content/node/43737 (third item down)
Nostradamus predicted all those things and laid out exactly when each one will occur. Nobody knows how to decypher those specific passages from his centuries, but I'm sure once the catastrophies occur it will all become perfectly clear.