Keep tryin! JUST this week I finally broke it. 62.3 indicated, 60.1 calculated. 495 miles on 8.2 gallons. Victory!
The main goal of the C was to increase affordability, not MPG. It's a bit disappointing compared to the early hype against the HB but it's good enough and opens up new Prius ownership to younger or lower income buyers.
Holy Cow! i think i better step up my game. Please post this in the record holders thread and i'll update it when i get home. *edit* Never mind. I see now how the display is set up. I thought it was 71mpg over 600miles instead of 71mpg over a single trip. Still, it appears you got somewhere near 63mpg. Is that correct? What did your tank average display read?
I just took my first trip in my C4 from Bakersfield to las Vegas!! 49 Mpgs for the whole trip used about 7 gallons! All freeway miles avg speed 72 mph
I am going to post this knowing full well that it is not a full tank. I KNOW ! But when I get a few days off in a row, I plan to be a contender, pace Brando. Most of the time this car makes short deliveries to the tune of 12 - 25 a day, so trying to burn a full tank and get great MPG at the same time is problematic. In fact, if I pay no attention at all and just rush around, 50 MPG is doing great for me. This segment is mostly rural road where I am unimpeded and about 1/3 four lane road, max speed (for me) 60, AC manually manipulated. No ECO mode. I KNOW !
Im not sure was the computer said but yeah the math works out to that. Next time I will make sure that I look better lol.
Our last fill-up was on 7-6-12, and we still have over half a tank! This is what happens when you retire!!
Revan, you might have had 100% gas from your dealer, too, which would give you much better mpg than using an ethanol mix.
F8L, I just posted in your 20 best thread. I actually had slightly better MPG at the 500 mile mark, but why play all the cards now? This is dedicated to all the helpful posters here responding to my Picture thread of best segments with suggestions that anything less than 300, 400, 500, etc. miles is meaningless. And those that suggested one can get better figures going down a slope rather than up. Thanks!