Hi all- Has anyone figured out how to lock up items in the Prius? How does one work this out witha valet? thanks!
I haven't found any lockable storage. I'll have to remember to remove the iPod at the car wash and valet parking.
That's a trouble with the 2004/5 too. Get good insurance, don't leave valuables in the car, and trust the valet to lock the car...
Yeah, there's no real key-lockable storage space. You could hide stuff in the hidden drawer if the valet doesn't know about it. I have a tissue box in the drawer and it's positioned such that when ithe drawer is opened, it looks like the tissue box takes up the entire drawer when there's really more space behind the tissue box but out of sight.
Not as is. The false floor in the rear, over the black plastic tray, has latches that hold it in place. I would suspect those latches could be converted to keyed locks with a minimum of hassle, as they are very similer to file cabnet latches. A lock could probably be created for the arm rest and glove boxes, but that owuld mean cutting major peices.
That MUST be a great idea because that's exactly what I thought when I read the original post. Seriously though, that's a great idea and if I were truly concerned with security and the like, I would consider it.
At one time I was thinking of adding a Cam Lock, which should be easy to install. I know McMaster-Carr sells them for about $5 each and if you want more than one, they can be keyed alike.
Here is a write up for a mod for adding combination locks to the storage compartments in the 2005+ Tacoma truck beds. The doors look similar in design, so should work. The good thing about the combi locks is you don't need an extra key. http://www.toyotanation.com/forum/t106945.html
Mostly, locks only serve to keep honest people honest. Your local meth addict would probably not give a hoot about prying off whatever lock is in the way.
What about the REAL hidden storage. You know, the one under the cup holders, just open the center storage compartment and pull up on the cupholders until they come out... Or is that one so hidden no one knows about it?
That's one of the reasons I gave up on the camlock. I figured since the lid was plastic it wouldn't take much to get it open.
That's where I have my garage door opener. I soldered two wires to the opener switch (on the PCA), added a switch from Radio Shack to the end of the wire, drilled a hole in the cup holder, mounted the opener in this secret space with some hot glue, mounted the switch in the new hole, and viola now my car has homelink