Dear Fellow Beep-phobes and Scan Guage-philes ... With an almost 2-week old "v" and probable multiple battery disconnects for upcoming mods (speaker work and such), I figured I'd just get a scan guage to set/reset my own beep prefs whenever. Looks like the seat belt & back up can be modified w. SG. Then it got me thinkin' ... what other extraneous, unnecessary and reduntant noises can I eliminate from my life? Lock/unlock would be nice for those late evenings I park in my drive and my slumbering neighbors with open windows might appreciate it too. The light flash and sound of lock mechanisms is sufficient confirmation for me. Don't need the whole trifecta that is Toyota's alerting orchestra. Anyone know if this is possible?
Hallelujah ... Found it. Lock/Unlock Tone is in Vehicle Settings. No SG or dealer assistance required. Can just crank it down to zero.
Thanks. Turned the bleeping beeps off today. Took a few minutes to figure out what to enter, but all set now.