A Prius ad was on TV during the Rose Bowl tonight. It was a young lady with a new black Prius. She talked about how much she enjoyed her car. She says her favorite part is that she doesn't have to fish into her backpack to find her key. Overall, a good ad.
I saw it too, I was floored! I was recording the game on my DVR, I had to watch it several times! I've never seen any ads for the Prius, although the local So. Cal Toyota sales ad running here does mention the Prius. Did you notice the California HOV carpool sticker on the front bumper? fd
I saw two Prius commercials while watching the Rose Bowl. First commercial had a young lady with a black Prius with crome rims. The second commercial with a middle age man with a blue Prius. Seems both commercials were filmed on top a parking lot in downtown Los Angeles.
The girl with the black prius (the only ad I saw) didn't have all the HOV stickers in the right places... but she's pretty and blonde, so she won't get a ticket
lolz....the Prius hasnt been advertised here AT ALL... I found out about them froma friend in the states