A bit rushed. Parked. Pressed the "Park" button. Neglected to press the "Power" button (that's the Dumb Me factor). Jumped out. Returned an hour later. Surprise! The AC and radio are still on--and no one drove off in it. Traction battery level down to two bars. I don't know what the level was when I parked, but it is usually at least 4 bars. I think I'll stop using the "Park" button and rely on the "Power" button to perform both functions. Any problems with this solution (excepting when one wishes to sit in park for a while)?
I would say nine times out of 10 I skip the park button and just push the power button. Been doing it for the last seven years without any problems.
You just burned a little gas when the engine started to recharge the battery. No harm other than lower mileage for this tank. I usually do the Park/Power sequence but Power down alone sometimes.
Someone could have driven the car off if the doors were not locked with the car still in Ready. They could have driven until they stopped and turned the car off or they ran out of gas. Without the key fob they could not have restarted the car.
Interesting! I was under the impression that the car wouldn't go anywhere unless the fob was inside. Thanks!
Yep, the same way one has to turn and remove the key on a regular car one has to make sure to 'turn off' Prius properly to avoid possible 'troubles and headaches'.
this may be a stupid question for some but I drive a 2g prius and it beeps if i leave the car on, close the door and the smart key in my possession. did they take this feature out?
Sometime I had to go away from the car but needed to leave the A/C on for my stuffs, I used the key to lock the door and found out that you can only use the key to unlock because the remote would not work! A member suggested that if you have to leave the car power on, you can lock the door by roll down the window, step out and reach in to manually lock the door, then quickly pull the switch to roll up the window and of course pull your hand out FAST.
I know that feeling! Our 2006 Camry hybrid, when only days old, was left in a mall parking lot for three hours! Came back and windows were all fogged up but it was nice and cool from the a/c. Made me feel seriously stupid. But, no harm, no foul! Great handle btw MadHungarian! Jó napot kívánok! T.
Hmm, let's see, that was 6 years ago. I don't recall any sound but with two squealing youngsters and a car a couple of days old, ergo not used to it, it may well have. But it obviously didn't impact me like it should have. Good news was no harm done. Live and learn, eh?
I checked and yes, it does beep after exiting with the key while the car is in "Ready." There is a slight pause--probably just lomg enough for me to rush away from the car and, with my thoughts elsewhere, to not register the beeps. TPriusV: Thanks for the comment. Just honoring my roots. My parents were both native Hungarian speakers, with English their 2nd and, for my father, 3rd language. However, they refused to speak Hungarian in my presence. They reasoned, incorrectly so, that if one learned two languages in childhood, one would not be fully competent in either. If not for that, I would be HappyHungarian
I wouldn't mind if the reminder beeps were a bit louder. Does anyone know if it's possible to increase their volume?
Similar situation here although it'd be a stretch saying my Dad was a native speaker, more like a typical Gen I (for Prius content) speaker whose parents discouraged use of the language. Trying very hard to be Americans like so many of the time I think. My grandmother spoke zero English but of course managed to communicate her love for us. When my Dad died, he spoke only Hungarian at the end, the last vestiges of his ability to communicate. Which kinda reminds me of my New Yorker Mother, whom I used to describe as being quite amiable but out to lunch in her final years. A priest friend of mine quipped "Yes, but she's in a really good restaurant!". Have a wonderful day HappyHungarian!