Voila! as a votive to my vehemently vivacious family of 2+1, and to no longer be vilified by my wife as the vermin vested in vexing vacations with vicious rentals, vile public transit, and violently long walks, I am venerated, valiantly as a verified vendee of the Prius v. We've finally put money down on our first car and the whole family is anxious for the delivery, our 9 month old included (as verified by his sudden interest in being wide awake for hours at 4 am now every morning). We could only afford the basic package but it should be more than enough for us. Not sure if we got a good deal on the purchase or not, but it seems that the dealer we saw cut us some slack with a (modest?) discount of $1,500 (CAD) off asking and a 0% interest lease contract. This puts us low enough below budget to afford a few accessories I've vowed to still use transit as much as possible for work and drive the v only to make the outings with our baby boy, which is basically every outing aside from the commute to work, tolerably less squirmy. I hope the v is very bit as roomy, comfortable, and gas efficient as most on this forum would attest!
Congrats on your purchase. I bought the Prius V three in April and already put close to 7k miles on it. I cant stop driving it. I love this vehicle so much. I have owned 22 vehicles in my 41 yrs of age, but by far this is the BEST purchase ever. My only complaint is it should come with tinted windows. The windows are so large that the sun shines in on my little one and can be uncomfortable. I took it and hadthe windows tinted yesterday. Big difference. The car stays cooler. The rear doesnt have vents for the ac, so window tint was a must for me. Hope you love your V too!
Our #3 is supposed to show up next week. Very excited to become a father. Loving our v so far, though.
I thought the same thing so had the tint kit bought already. My only concern is that i've chosen too dark of a tint! Congrads! I can't imagine having more than just one little devil let alone 3!
Holy crap... 22 vehicles in your 41 years of life? I just have to ask, how the heck did you go through so many cars, I mean, 25 years of driving, that's almost a car a year.
Well honestly, my ex was a pro football player and I changed cars every 6 months because I was young and stupid . The saying " With age comes wisdom is so true". I have owned every vehicle out there...lol yet none of them compare to my Prius. I just love this vehicle. I bought it for the gas savings but I find it so fun to drive. I have close to 7k miles on it and I bought it the end of April
I meant our #3 as in myself (1), my wife (2), and the baby (3). haha. The prospect of more than one kid, and no longer having a man advantage, is frightening.
i take it you are having a little girl then? Careful though, we thought we were having a girl until he popped out with an extra piece of meat down under.
I meant it as we are going to be 2 parents versus 1 child, haha. But yeah, the "man" advantage in the house is already gone and getting worse. Our cat is a female, too, so it will be 3:1 female:male ratio. I hope she comes out a girl. We tried to avoid pink and gender specific stuff as much as possible, but it is unavoidable when you bring family into the equation. When they found out we were having a girl, it was an onslaught of pink/girly clothes. We've had several extra ultrasounds because the doctor thought she was small and then they thought she was big, so they've confirmed the sex multiple times. Plus, I'm super excited to have a girl, so I hope she stays a girl. haha
Congrats on your V! We are also a young and growing family and decided on the V after looking at a Sienna. We decided that with a 7 year old and a 10 week old that the Sienna was just too much vehicle for our small family. Maybe after we have our 3rd child, in a couple of years, we will trade in my wife's 2010 Prius for a Sienna Hybrid... if there is such a thing then. Best of luck! Daniel
Thanks for the well wishes Daniel! Glad to hear as well that the v will be big enough for 4, which means it'd be plenty for 3. After my dad survived running over a bull whitetail deer and an adult cow moose with his Camry, we've had only large cars in the family. The grand Sienna was one of the cars. I've gotten so used to it that driving sedans and compact cars felt cramped. The v though, felt like a good fit. Quentin: Very jealous. Not that our little pooper is not brightening up our days (and nights... oh, the sleepless nights...) we really wanted a girl. Once i win the lottery, we'll flip the dice and try again
My boy must love the car as well. He fell asleep minute after we heading home from the dealership, driving on our brand new Prius v. He NEVER falls asleep without a fight in a car! Loving the car already. Was a nice surprise too when it came with - OEM all-weather floor mats, - OEM cargo net and slide-cover thingy, and - rear bumper/cargo loading protector (a pretty nice looking one at that) Going to play with the phone-connection/setup before i crash tonight
Great post! Love the alliteration! Congrats on the baby (and the V). I'm a new owner also and love this thing. You can't go wrong with a V and while a Sienna has a lot of creature comfort, this is a wise choice. We just motored up to NYC for the weekend with my offspring - boy 12 and 6ft 1.5 inches and daughter 5' 9" and they had plenty of room. It's not a minivan but what a hoot to drive 75mph (traffic flow on NJ TPKE) and get 40mpg. Fatherhood is a wonderful thing too and your boy will be a delight to have in the back seat. If I can say anything about kids eating in the back, french fries, doritos, and cheetos last a really long time. Organics, carrots, celery et cetera desiccate nicely....Less place to hide food in a v but kids will find places to stash things. That 4 am stuff will pass soon and other interesting things take over... Just saying ......and congrats on the v!
TY TpriusV. Car seats, "natural" food desiccators. I've heard too that i'll be trading sleepless nights for panic attacks once the boy starts to run and run into things, then again for sedatives when he learns to talk and talk back. Oh the joys of parenthood 90 clicks in with 2 trips to the mall, 2 more to work, and 1 on the way back from the dealership, and we are 4.7 L/100km (50.0 mpg). Not bad at all.
We have 380 miles on our v since we picked it up on Tuesday. It is a company lease with an allowable 30k/year, so the Mini and 4Runner have barely been driven.
Congrats as well - I'm also a new owner - got mine on july - Friday the 13th!! ...hahaha... We have a family of 5 - wife and I, then 11 yr old son, 7 yr old daughter, and 11 month old daughter.. if we put the car seat in the middle - both bigger kids still had plenty of room. A bit narrow for all 3 with the big car seat - but they seemed to like it. And the space - is comparible to my chevy s-10 style blazer. actually wheelbase is 1.5 inches longer- but body is 1.5 shorter... interior height and gate opening is a bit shorter - but I can still get all my drum gear in there... I commute 42 miles one way each day - or about 25k a year just to work - and so far i'm averaging 47-49 mpg. usually running about 60mph on state roads ... and obviously slowing for towns.
Only grip, 400km and 1.5 weeks in, is that the v really does struggle up hills Still averaging 4.7 L/100km (50.0 mpg) though, even with all the "extra stuff" i carry with it now