2007 - weird performance

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by jayquinty, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. jayquinty

    jayquinty Junior Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    2007 Prius
    2007 Pruis, original owner, 85000 miles.
    Abnormally hot day, which may have been a factor; about 92 degrees.

    Went out to lunch on Sunday and on the way the car performed as normal. Trip to the restaurant was mostly downhill and only a few miles. AC was running. Five of us in the car, so it was loaded.

    On the way home, I noticed it immediately acting strangely. The first thing I noticed was it had like a one second delay before normal power kicked in after pushing on the accelerator. It would start to go, slowly, then all of the sudden it would lurch forward and go, with no real change in amount of pedal push. And it did not have much power because it was mostly running on gas engine, even though it showed 4 bars of battery. So all the way home it acted like this. It ran like there was zero battery power and only had gas engine power. Gas engine was whining the whole way home, again, even with half battery power or so. I have never experienced this type of performance ever, even when driving in hot weather, which is the only big variable. I plugged in into my scan tool when I got home to see if anything would come up, and nothing did. Not a surprise because I didn't get a check engine light.

    My wife, who primarily drives the car, said that she has experienced that type of performance a couple of times before, but I apparently haven't "listened" to her very well. :)

    I'm starting to wonder if it might be time to trade it in. Wondering if my batteries are getting weak. Any ideas as to what this might be? Is this maybe normal behavior for the prius and I'm just not aware of it?

    BTW, I've driven the car many times where the battery gets extremely low, and it is really sluggish from relying primarily on the gas engine so I'm aware of how it runs at that time. This time was different because I had battery power, and it would lurch forward every time I stopped at a stop sign, and pushed the pedal down.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    This is not normal behavior. It sounds like a problem with the hybrid vehicle ECU which is responsible for overall powertrain control.

    For fun, you might try disconnecting the negative 12V battery cable where it attaches to the body for a few minutes, just to allow all of the ECUs time to power down and clear their stored memory. Then when you reconnect the battery cable, maybe the ECUs will behave normally.
  3. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    I doubt its serious or it would throw a check engine light. So it may be engine drivability issue. Does the engine continue to run when you come to stop? I didn't see that mentioned.

    First check all fluids under hood. Then, it may be a very sooty throttle body. Very common and if its never ever been cleaned its going to be bad.
    Easy to check. Get a flashlight and take off the air cleaner black plastic box. 3 clips in front and one on the side.
    Look down the throttle body bore with the light. If you can, reach under on the left side and manually turn the spring loaded butterfly with you hand opening the butterfly so you can see all the way down the bore to the bottom. See how dirty it is.

    Search back my old posts as I have a detailed description o how to clean that & the MAF.

    Good luck and plz list your location.
    usnavystgc likes this.
  4. jaw444

    jaw444 Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    San Fernando Valley CA Sherman Oaks area
    2007 Prius
    This probably has nothing to do with your car's behavior, and unlike you, i don't have any mechanical knowledge, i just drive, but by coincidence, last year i bought an older high miles Honda Civic natural gas car (year 2000, 154K). I drove it home about 50 miles from where i bought it, it seemed fine, i had had it checked out at the Honda agency before buying it. Then, i didn't drive it for about a week (i was driving my 07 Prius to work until the car pool lane stickers expired on 7/1/11, that's why i got the NGV car, it has current stickers). Then i drove the Civic to work. It was fine. Long drive, hot July day, steep hill on the commute. Seemed fine. The next day at home, Saturday, i drove it a couple of miles to Orchard Supply. When i came out of the store and turned the car on, something seemed odd. The first thing i remember or noticed was that when i was accelerating, the engine didn't seem to fully kick in at first, and then it did, and it drove fine, but then the engine would seem to cut off, and then the engine would seem to engage and the car would lurch forward, and also it was making a worrisome noise, all the way home. I was so shaken by this that i bought a newer lower miles Civic NGV and parked the old one planning to sell it ASAP, because i need a really reliable car for work, i don't just commute, i'm in the field, all over the place. But i had to find out what was wrong with the old Civic. Discussion forums led to the eventual solution--it was the catalytic converter and to my relief, was only $300 to repair (i had feared something far worse). I don't even know if the Prius has a catalytic converter, but what you described reminded me of what the Civic was doing last year.
  5. xpcman

    xpcman Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2009
    California - SF Bay area
    2008 Prius
    I had the exact same problem. But, it was with my 2010 Prius. My theory is that the downhill trip on a hot day overheated the traction battery. Since the HV battery fan was running at full speed. I pulled over after a few miles, turned the car off and then back on. Then the car ran normally.