My iPhone doesn't have unlimited data - but my iPAD does. So I decided to see if I could use the ipad as my "internet" device in Entunes and my iphone for the phone functions. Here is what I did. Step 1: Connect the iPhone with Bluetooth to the Entune system. Tested all functions (phone) and they work great. I DID NOT activate the Toyota Entune app. Step 2: Download the Toyota Entune app on to my iPad, start it and login. Then plug the iPad into the USB port under the head unit. The display pops up asking if I want to use the iPAD for internet - I say yes. Now I have my iPAD for internet and Itunes and my phone for calls. The best part is I can use my unlimited internet on the iPad without dipping into my 2GB plan on the phone. Cheers! Daniel
Brilliant! Seriously clever idea Daniel. Thanks for sharing. My iPad is wifi only but will see if I can't try my wife's. T
You might want to switch it around. Give the iPhone the Unlimited Data Hotspot and then it can be the wireless internet connection for car and the iPad. Then you don't have to plug anything in and you don't have to take the iPad in the car all the time.
I wish I could but my iPAD is grandfathered on the unlimited plan and I don't have that option with AT&T on my iphone.
Just know one thing.... I have an "Unlimited Data" plan on my AT&T iPhone 4S...also grandfathered in. Your (and mine as well) unlimited plans are NOT unlimited. Well, they are for amount of data, but, if you go over the 2GB data download mark more than a month or two in a row, AT&T will SERIOUSLY limit your data download speeds to slow down your data consumption. I downloaded about 3GB of data early this year when I was working at a client site with no WIFI in house. I hit the 3GB mark and got a nice nastyIM that told me I was now in the "less than 5%" of customers that used more than 2GB. I was VERY unhappy and called and got the "good news" told me about the DL speeds. So, don't hesitate to use all the data you can, but, just know you aren't as "unlimited" as you might think.
You can switch to the Hotspot/Tethering plan from the unlimited plan. I did just that. I was not coming close to hitting even 1GB when I had unlimited. Pandora, Traffic and Bing in the car via the phone plus all my other usage hardly uses any of the 5GB data available on the Hotspot/Tethering plan. Way better having the convenience and functionality of the Hotspot/Tethering and 5GB and seamless Bluetooth access in the car vs. having Unlimited and not using it.