Hi all, I’ve been helping the Edison Electric Institute (EEI -an association representing the shareholder-owned electric utilities in the US), plan a campaign to generate consumer interest about the benefits of plug-in vehicles and using electricity as a transportation fuel. Specifically, the project aims to capture and convey the real-world, emotionally-connected experiences of driving on electricity- the fun, cool, convenient aspects more than the purely pragmatic "why you should" arguments. It is incredibly community-focused, recognizing that the current users and enthusiasts are the “experts” both on the vehicles and in talking to other people about them. This campaign aims to amplify those efforts and provide additional support in getting the best messages out more broadly and – to the extent needed – creating tools for all of us to more easily talk to neighbors, friends, and the random curious folks we find lurking around our cars in parking lots. Therefore, I’m hoping you’ll join me in helping to make this project all it can be by sharing your experiences via this survey. You don't have to have a plug-in vehicle to participate, just articulate why you're excited by the idea of electric driving. This is merely the first step in an ongoing engagement with the enthusiast community, but it will help establish the earliest priorities. Bring your passion, and let me know if you have any questions! Thank you, chelsea
Ha- no, you didn't fail. But the survey is meant to capture what people love about driving a plug-in vehicle (PHEV or EV), or the idea of driving one, even if you don't currently. So yes, it is designed to filter out anyone who answers from that start that they don't support the idea.
After finishing the quiz - I couldn't help but note how much emphesis there is on, "cool" being important, and nothing towards sponsoring Al Queda via petro dollars, which requires spending trillions (creating national debt) on the industrial military complex, just to protect our involvement over seas for 50% fuel imports. I guess I worry too much about the unimportant stuff.
I hope you typed that in under some of the 'other' fields. While you raise a good issue, I think the more general one of soldier's live in any oil region stabilization efforts and the trade deficit in general is very important as well.
Hi Chelsea, I have a question. What % of the power produced by your association members comes from clean sources? Thanks in advance.
...well the first question was a "hard" filter. If you had "MAYBE" as a choice I could have played along with the survey.
What's the difference between "Refuelling convenience" and "ease of refuelling"? How easy is it to find a refuelling spot vs. how easy it is to refuel (the actual action of refuelling)?
Hmm not seeing a sure=vey? get one question (support PHEV -- I tired yes and now.. but just get sent tot he eei.org homepage)