Photoshop Concept of how to visually make your Prius look thinner. Other car makers use this visual to make their car look "thinner" and more sleek. Toyota has really never done this. Heres what I've done: Photoshop Concept: BEFORE: AFTER: Now the reality: BEFORE: AFTER: The results really turned out nice as you can see in the following shots. The car looks less 'egg-like' and more compact. Photos do not really do justice, but it's a relatively simple modification of painting your rocker panels with a durable satin black paint. It actually flows nicely with the black lower air dam below the rear bumper: Let me know your thoughts.
Looks good , but I think I would continue the illusion by extending the black band to the front bumper.
Thought of that, but I thought it would look "funny"..... Front end of car with a black band on bottom would look strange. The effect I wanted was to look like OEM
That's really good. Def reduces the egg effect. Really noticeable on a white car. Looks very good with the dark tint. Wonder how it would look on my driftwood? I have the hubcaps removed on mine too. Much sportier. I actually like the stock wheel alot too.
Not good with photo shop but still think this looks better. Just personal opinion one size does not fit all.