I just took possession of a Moonglow C Two. Very happy day. But is the Passenger Airbag OFF indicator supposed to be lit without a passenger in the seat? All my time in the car was with the sales guy, wife or myself in the seat. Now am I going to have to see the bright orange indicator all the time when I drive solo? Thanks
I tested drive one today. I think that one is "Air-Bag ON" not OFF. some vehicle has the "ON" light and some other has "OFF" light. that is kind of confusing. lol if you have couple cars.
so far my c has that annoying light on all the time. i almost see a piece of electrical tape in my future. i must say, however, that my little brain has begun not to see it anymore. its there but my mind is mostly blocking it out.
Yes, it lights up either way. The passenger air bag light should say OFF when there isn't a passenger, and ON when there is a passenger. At least, that's how the hatchback model operates.
Thank you all. I will try to ignore it... and instead keep my eyes off the road and on my MPG display showing 50+ !!! I am using this for a work vehicle to use instead of my pickup. Most of my equipment is clean and I can fit just as much as in the truck bed. At 3000+ miles a month this was a no-brainer decision and I love the car.
If it's really bugging you you could always get a sheet of LightDims tint stickers and darken them up a bit. That way the indicators are stiff functional but less obnoxious: LightDims: Dim Led Lights, Halos Around Lights For Light Sensitive Eyes! ron
chapter 1 of the Owner's Manual covers this. It is suppose to be illuminated and say "Passenger Airbag Off". It should change to "Passenger Airbag On" when someone sits there.
I bought a Prius C3 three days ago and I'm very happy excited about it. My passenger airbag indicator has been ON for the duration of all my trips. With regard to this issue, I just found that on page 183 of the user manual it states: "these lights turn on... to indicate a system check is being performed. They will turn off after the hybrid system is on or after a few seconds. There may be a malfunction in a system if a light does not come on, of if the lights do not turn off. Have the vehicle inspected by a Toyota dealer." I will ask my Toyota dealer about it when I go in this week to pick up my spare key.
When you say it stays on, do you mean it's lit up, or it says On? As stated above, the passenger airbag light is always lit, but will either say On (if there is a passenger) or Off (if the seat is empty).
I meant that it's lit up. It either says ON or OFF depending on weight in the passenger seat as you stated. I asked my dealership about it and they said, as you did, that it will always be lit up. I think in that case the wording in the owners manual is confusing. But more importantly, I think it's an annoying feature and would rather have it light up only during ignition unless there is a problem. C'est la vie.
Passenger display airbag light. I posted this in the general information section also. The passenger side airbag on and off lights, there is the word "passenger" above the on & off, does that light stay on all the time the prius c is in operation?(passenger ). I had leather put on and I can't remember if that display light (passenger) was on the entire time I was driving before the leather.
we must have a completely different spec in Australia as we only get a airbag check light that goes off after a few seconds and a seat belt warning, at first you had something sitting on the seat but no seat belt on it hence the warning, so silly question does plugging the seat belt in make any difference to the light displayed ?
i went to a tint shop and got a piece of scrap limo tint material (the darkest type) I then cut a piece and placed on top of the airbag light. It helped a lot, you can still see it but it is no longer obstrusive. Hope this helps.