There is a particular type of glue used in packaging and displaying merchandise these days. It's normally seen as an adhesive on th eback of a type of plastic card, name card, membership card, credit card on a peice of paperwork explaining what the card is. As you remove the card (it's stuck to the page very well but is removed very easily) you will normally roll the applied glue-esque substance into a ball and take it off the plastic card or just leave it on the paper, whichever it is still stuck to. The glue doesn't really absorb into anything, just sticks something to something else. And is easily removed. Used extensively in manufacturing I'm guessing. Probably comes out of some kind of gun or possibly a heat-processed stick that becomes the product I'm looking for. What's it called or what glue 'family' does it represent.
I used to work for a company that printed and mailed many of the things you receive in the mail with that sticky stuff. You are correct in that it is prepared in a hot liquid form and shot onto the paper as it passes underneath. It dries very quickly and holds well, removing cleanly. Some versions were commercially available; others were in-house and proprietary. That was nine years ago and even though I was fascinated by the stuff I never fully investigated it.
Booger glue. seriously. Fugitive glue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Booger Glue | Fugitive Glue Adhesive | Glue Dots
That is really interesting. Something I have wondered myself but never bothered to ask or research. Thanks.
Are you thinking of an application? Like Scangauge on a dash, or? For the SG when I first got mine I "temporarily" secured it to the dash with a couple of loupes of masking tape (impromtu double-sded tape). And then just left it like that, for over a year now I think. Even after 3 or 4 pull offs it continues to be effective. Every once in a long while I replace it.
looks like that 'booger glue' is the stuff. Thanks! Our dogs (terriors, 2 @ 10-12 pounders) put there claws onto the plastic below the rear windows and try to hang on while they stick there heads out. it scratches it pretty good. Going to apply a piece of black naugahyde to the area with this removable glue so that i can change it out randomly. We normally don't have them in front on our laps. I don't see it as unsafe, I see it as an auxilliary air bag. The nauga hunt is on. Gonna skin 'em out and glue 'em to the door.
That's terrible. Don't you realize that Naugas are endangered? All those years of "genuine Naugahyde" furniture just about decimated the herds!
Spearing a Nauga was my first kill at 6 years old. I'm not kidding. I speared it on the couch....correction I speared the couch. Used an old erector set axel and wheel to test my mother's claim that their hide is to too tough to penetrate.
Can't remember bagging my first Nauga but I'm sure I was freshly schooled as to where I was on the food chain. I do remember though when the beast began to make it's comeback in population. The fabled hides were beginning to be ignored right around 1975 when Chrysler introduced the fabulous Cordoba, 'the small Chrysler'. That year one man single-handedly began the push for a new and more luxurious (yet managebale) car interior product. That product was 'rich Corinthian leather'. That man of course was Ricardo Montalbon. Or as Captain Kirk said: ........KHAAAAAN!!!! The Nauga was saved.
CEO: "Marketing, you need to come up with a new name for our glue. Fugitive glue has a poor connotation and it's hurting our sales." Marketing: "Got it. Booger glue." CEO: "You're fired."