Omnifi MP3 player install questions '06

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Robbert, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. Robbert

    Robbert Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2005
    Deerfield, NH
    Other Hybrid
    Hello everyone,

    I'm a proud owner of a new '06 Prius HI package (with JBL audio, VSC, etc). Loving the Prius so far. Only have 100 miles on it, but with my regular commute I already managed to get up to 39 MPG, and that's considering my commute is about 30 miles one-way, mostly highway and temps are around 34 degrees.. Plus I didn't change my driving style yet.. (still doing 75 MPH on the highway :) )...

    Anyway, I had an Omnifi MP3 player (harddrive player with WiFi sync) installed in my previous vehicle. Now when I say installed, I mean velcro tape and ziptie installed. :) I don't like to make modifications to a car I know I will need to sell at some point, nor do I like voiding warranty etc. My previous car had a continuous 12V and a switched 12V outlet right next to eachother, so the power hookup was simple. The prius, however, does not have that, so I need to get the continuous power from somewhere..

    From what I read so far, it would make most sense to pick it up with wire taps on the cables leading to/from the fuse box near the parking brake (drivers side). Looking at the 12V outlet mod on coastal it looks like they're pulling constant 12V from a green wire coming from that fuse box. I'm a little weary of just putting a tap on that since the pictures on Coastal don't match the wire colors coming from that plug on my '06 Prius.... So my questions to all you folks:

    - What wire can I tap near that fuse box to get: +12V continuous, +12V switched, Ground, and possibly the headlight +12V indicator (so the display can dim automatically). What gauges are those wires? Just looking at the green wire, it looks like 18 or 20 gauge. Can anyone confirm this? The omnifi pulls a max of 2A from the continuous 12V (its fused at 2A itself). The ACC 12V is not used as a power source, just an indicator, as is the headlight switched 12V.
    - Is there a better spot to do this? The little module that comes with the Omnifi to do the wiring needs to be near all the power connections, and also near the AUX in, so the drivers or passengers dash area seems logical.
    - I'm not comfortable yanking the dash off (even with all the information posted on here, I'm afraid I'll void some kind of warranty and get screwed in the end.. This car IS expensive! :) ).. If there is no way to do this without yanking the dash, what is your experience with 3rd party audio installers? Or should I ask my Toyota dealer about installing this? What kind of costs should I expect? (this install is as simple as pulling the power from somewhere and wire tying the cables neatly. Since the '06 has an AUX in, no need to do difficult stuff with the JBL stereo.

    Thanks for any suggestions you might have!

  2. syncmaster

    syncmaster Member

    May 30, 2005
    2010 Prius

    You have a 6 disk MP3 player in your 06 prius.... why are you fooling around with a portable mp3 player ? you should be able to burn 160 mp3 songs per cd that gives you access to 960 songs after loading in 6 cds.

    Am I missing something here ?
  3. Robbert

    Robbert Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2005
    Deerfield, NH
    Other Hybrid
    Haha.. Yeah, I was expecting this question.. The only reason why I want the Omnifi in the car is not the lack of MP3 quantity I could put in the car, but the ability the Omnifi has to sync wirelessly without me having to do anything. I'm Dutch and I have some software on my PC at home to record my favorite Dutch morning radio show at night (they're 6 hrs ahead of us). I sync that show with the Omnifi before I go to work, and during my commute I can listen to it. Yes, I could burn it to CD as well, but that means I would have to do it manually every morning.. And I'm lazy.. :) Plus I have this Omnifi thing anyway, why not use it?

  4. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Hmm, sounds like near time to go on Techinfo and get the latest stuff on the 2006. Even though it is same basic car, with all the electronic changes, they may have changed the fuse/power/wiring.

    The reason the coastal mod works, is that the dash outlet uses a relay to energize it, using a constant power source. The relay is triggered by the console outlet turn-on, which in turn shares the 25A ACC output from the power distribution. 15A is taken from that 25A for the console outlet, a 7.5A provides ACC turn on for various ECUs, such as the radio.

    Since you pull out the box at night, I can't see why you can't use the same ACC source for const 12V as well as ACC turnon, if it only draws 2A. It's not like it has presets to keep, or a power source with a greater current capacity.
  5. Robbert

    Robbert Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2005
    Deerfield, NH
    Other Hybrid

    The unit powers itself up at night and syncs wirelessly with your PC at home through 802.11b. You never have to take the harddrive out, but since the car is off at night, it needs the continuous 12V to power the unit for the 20-30 minutes it uses to synchronize. I very much doubt it uses 2A continuous, in fact, since it's fused at 2A, I would assume it's closer to 1A peak current.

    In any case, what I gather from your reply is that it uses the circuit at the drivers side fusebox for the lighter outlet only to energize a relay? And the power for the outlet is coming from another fuse box? That would be a bummer...

    I would prefer not to have to dig through schematics to figure out how to do this. I was kinda hoping someone would have found an easy way to get to a constant and a switched power source, and could tell me what the wires look like. :)

  6. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Downloads from the car, assuming WiFi can reach it. That's cool!

    No, both fuses are under the driver dash. One 15A fuse for the console outlet is switched via the ACC main feed which is from 25A fuse through a relay powered by the power ECU. The second relay which feeds the dash outlet gets its power from a constant 12V source. That second relay is controlled by the power from the console outlet.
    I just went to look if the 15A fuse for the dash outlet is on the constant side of the relay, or the relay controlled side. It is the constant side and has a light green wire to the relay. What coastal's mod is essentially doing is bypassing the relay.

    Actually, all the ECUs get a constant 12V for their main power source, and a second switched power to turn it on. This includes the radio head unit. Since this is an audio device, maybe use it's feed? You could get your illumination 12V there too, which by the way is a dark green wire.
  7. Robbert

    Robbert Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2005
    Deerfield, NH
    Other Hybrid
    So if I understand you correctly, the little green wire is sized to carry 15A to the dash power outlet through a relay that is switched on and off by the acc-on signal? The reason I didn't want to tap into that green wire is that it's such a small gauge and I didn't think that it could be the right wire.. :) I did take my multimeter last weekend and measured the voltage on these wires while the car was off (have penetrating probes on my meter), and the green wire does carry 12V continuous, and so does a much thicker white wire coming out of the same connector at the fuse panel. Any idea what that could be? Also, is there any obvious spot to pick up a ground near the fuse box? Any idea which wire would carry that acc-on signal? (color, connector?)
