Recently, 6-8 wks ago (?), there was a discussion between various folks in regards to purchasing a Model 4 versus a Model 5. I am trying to find that thread but apparently I'm not using the best search words. If any of you were involved or remember that thread, I would really appreaciate your help in finding it. I am also now considering upgrading my '11 Model 3 to either a '12 Model 4 or 5. Trying to figure out with a 3 with a roof, 4 with a roof and then a 5 that does not offer a roof. Yoi .... Also the thread had info on the various lesser items standard; LED lights, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated ...... radmangto
The PDF brochures on have lots of detail on the features & options for the various trim levels.
You are going to take a minimum of a $10,000 hit going from a 2011 to a 2012. $4,000 just in sales tax on the two cars. Why would you do that? Does money grow on trees in FL?
Think the OP is looking for the opinions of going with the 3 vs the 4 with the sunroof. (Saw that thread, can't find easily for the OP) To that end looking at what is important to the OP between the two is best. For me I preferred the 2 and would have liked one with the sunroof.
Thanks Judgeless .... you DO seem to like to judge ... Again, thanks for your thoughtful and informative comments ... Oh, it's call CHOICE .... Regards radmangto
I think it's a valid point he had. You want a comparison of value. $10,000 doesn't seem like a good trade for a few slightly better features.
In order to make $10,000 you need earn about $13,000 after you pay income tax (fed, state, city), Social Security, and Medicare. You are right it is a choice. I do not know how long it takes you to make $13,000 but that is a huge amount of money to lose on a $25,000 car because you want a few new features. Don’t worry. If you go to a scumbag dealer they will spin a deal to keep your payments the same. You will never know you are losing all that money.