Something my husband noticed on my new Prius - there aren't any defroster strips on the tiny window on the drivers side. Is this normal or should I call the dealer? Thanks,
I have never seen a rear side glass with a defroster built in, only the rear glass itself. The mirrors may have defrost capability.
On the 2012, the small passenger rear, triangular window has defroster strips. The driver side does not.
Mine is the same way, which seemed curious to me, too. I'm guessing that the driver could look back and see out the passengter side window but would not have a good line of sight out the side back window on his own side. Maybe that was the thinking in putting the strips only on one side.
It does make sense. I thought it was defroster wires, too. Now I won't be taking it to the dealer this fall when the frost won't melt off that little window. I assume the antenna on top is for the Nav and, possibly, XM.
The base is for xm, the part sticking up is for fm and am, the one in the glass is a second antenna to improve reception.