When does the navigation disc change and is it covered under warranty? I imagine it is not covered under extended warranty.
Toyota gave early adopters one free disc update because they had just changed providers and there were some issues. But, in general, it's not ever going to be a warrantee issue. New discs may come out several times a year, but it's always going to be on your dime to upgrade.
Where should you look for new Discs? I want my damn house to be included sometime soon! Its existed for 2 years now damnit, and nothing recognizes it. Only the new Google Maps aerial photo shows me.
Toyota. And you will never know what has changed on the disc. Also, they want an arm and a leg for it (not sure, but ~ $250 I think??). Hell of a way to do business. They really need to go for the volume sales concept. It costs them close to squat to make a disc. I'd buy one every now and then if they were $50 AND I knew they updated things where I might drive. I'd be willing to bet the providers could actually make money if they charged a reasonable price for their product. As it is, the 4.2 I got free via the 2004 TSB is probably the last one I will ever get.
Toyota undoubtedly buys the maps and navigation software from one of the nav companies; Garmin or Magellan or one of the others. None of them give the updates away. Updates for my Garmin set cost about $100 and seem to come out about once a year. Garmin buys the maps from Navteq, but they have to do some work on them to make them work with their software, so the map data is somewhat out of date by the time it comes out. This seems to be the pattern with all the navigation companies. I believe there are only two companies that provide the maps to everyone. The big differences are in the hardware and navigation software. When you but a built in navigation system you pay a big premium over the cost of a portable system. You also put yourself at the mercy of the car company for the maps. I also like being able to take mine with me if I fly somewhere and rent a car.