As I had posted on this forum last week. We had our 2005 prius #6 totaled and since my wife is an educator we could not wait to get all the insurance haggling out of the way. So we contacted the dealer and told them first #7 that is unclaimed ... don't care about the color, let us know! Well we got a call Sat. and picked it up today. And back up camera and air pressure add on's were nice but what really made an impression on us was the increase comfort of the front seats. I do now know what they have done but after after putting over 12K on our last prius, I could definately tell a differance... I was thinking it at the very moment that my wife spoke up and said, "these seats are much more comfortable..." And I thought "Well can 2 fanny's be wrong?" And after putting in about 150 miles today... I can say that I definately, definately can tell Toyota has done something to these seats.
Great news. Do you see any difference in the adjustment mechanisms? Do the seats go back any further, for example. Are they the same seat height? Is the seat fabric the same quality? Lumbar support any better?
I sat in a 2005 Prius for only a ten minute test drive so I cannot give a good comparison to the seats in my 2006 Prius. However, I can say that the seats in my Prius are somewhat uncomfortable. I'm 5'-10" and normal BMI. Subjectively, the seats on my 1999 Audi A6 are a 9 on a scale of 10. The driver and passenger have twelve-way power adjustments. The seats are roomy and offer good lateral support. I don't bump my elbows on anything. There is more than enough leg extension. Sadly, the 2.8 liter engine got a miserable 19 MPG in mixed highway/city driving. The seats on my Prius rate only a 4 for the following reasons. I find myself wanting an inch more of leg extension. The left footrest is too small for my foot. I find myself sitting off center on the seat: Good positioning for my legs, but bad for my back. The seat width is too narrow. My thighs don't feel right. I decided that I can accept the shortcomings of the seats for all positive aspects of the Prius. However, Toyota should put more attention into the design of the seats for the next generation.
I believe that the seats of the US Prius has no way of adjusting the height. I went to have a closer look at the European (Norwegian) version, and it has adjustable height of both the passanger- and the drivers seat. Pretty strange that Toyota uses different solutions for different markets when it comes to the seats - at least between the US and Europe...
There has also been mention in Toyota's press-releases (at least in Europe, I'd imagine it applies to the US too) of adjusting the "hip-point" of the rear seats, but what exactly they mean by this I don't know. At a guess I'd suggest they might have moved them forward and/or down to increase headroom. At 6'1", I find headroom a little marginal in the back of my January 2005 car, but more than enough legroom.
Nice to know that the seats are comfortable. I'm think of buying a Prius, but I've heard that the seats can be very uncomfortable on people's backs. Since your fannies are comfortable after driving for 150 miles, how do your backs feel? Vanessa