Neither the service department over the phone or the Toyota customer care line can explain to me a couple of things I've described as confusing. Hoping you all can help. How does the 5 min. consumption display work? Seems to be a graph, but no graph lines on it. I put in the amount that current gas costs in order to determine how much I'm saving and I'm not seeing that come up on the display graph that has months listed and seems like it should have graph lines there as well. Also, I don't see a tire pressure display on my console. Does this mean I don't have that feature? I have a 2012 package 2.
Which model? c? v wagon? Regular Prius (aka liftback)? PiP? Please update your user info to correctly reflect which car you have.
Info on the 5 min/1 min consumption display is on page 51 of your owner's manual. Nothing will show on the monthly fuel consumption display until the end of the month. It's on page 53 of your owner's manual. Fuel cost does not display on the monthly fuel consumption screen. There is no tire pressure display on the console. Some things are in the manual that didn't make it to the production version of the car.
My comment has nothing what so ever to do with your car... but if you want to track mileage and $ spent over months, Have you thought about a fuelly account? its free and you can see what other people with your same car is doing, mpg, cost, etc... Just a thought...
Thanks. Cool site. Is it convenient though? If I can track the info through my car, why would I need the site?
You mean tire display doesn't show on the II or on all packages? Why is this and how many more things are like this? I bought the car last month. Shouldn't the fuel cons. display show something by now? Why doesn't fuel cost display on this screen? Where does it display? Thanks
you don't necessarily need it. It was just a suggestion if you wanted to track your mpg over the long haul. months? years? etc. Plus it will compare your mpg to others that have the same car as you. etc all I do, is keep my gas receipts, put in miles since last fill up, how much fuel and at what price. the rest is calculated for you. If you want to take a look at it, click on my fuelly sig line and browse around.
I got my 2012 Prius Two just a few days ago. Haven't viewed the DVD. However, I have set-up the calendar and few other things on the Display. If you press the hold the "DISC" button on your steering wheel, you can set the cost of the gas and update the calendar and a few other things. I still have a lot to learn. But once I did this a few things showed up. So like when I turn off the vehicle, it tells me how much I spent going a certain distance. That is pretty neat.
So you see cost when you turn the car off? How does that work? I figured out the fuel consumption display, but I still have no readings on my eco-savings display.
In the owner's manual, page 230 it talks about the "DISP" button on the right side of the steering wheel. You can only update the settings when you are stopped and vehicle is on. But if you press and hold the DISP button in, you can set up the settings for: Gasoline Prices; Fuel Consumption Disp (either Consumption or ECO Savings); Comp Consumption; Calendar; EV/ECO Driving (activate or deactivate); Steering Switch (On or Off); Clock (12 hrs or 24 hrs); Language; Screen Off; and Exit. You basically activate these by using the DISP button until told otherwise. To exit, press and Hold the DISP button while the the Exit is highlighted. I have only changed the calendar, and gasoline prices. Don't know enough on the other on what it will do. I too, am still learning a few things. I hope this helps you.
I'm understanding all of that except the fuel consumption. I have a gas price in there but on the chart, nothing ever shows up telling me how much I've saved. Nobody at the dealership I went to seems to know this stuff either.