Picked up my Prius C late this afternoon, drove it home mostly on the highway and ended up getting 54.4 mpg for the 19 mile trip. Very impressive! The ride is an improvement over my BMW 328xi and while the C is not fast it's quick enough. Think I am going to like this car!
Congrats. SRM is a fun color - can't lose your car in a parking lot as easily - unless the lighting changes the color at night. Then it's a whole 'nother ball game.
Enjoy your new car! I have a C two in silver and love it. Jealous of your Summer Rain color--couldn't get that and was driving a rental so I really couldn't wait for one to come in...
Congrats!!! I'm waiting on my SRM to arrive ANY day. (I've been hearing that for the last week). It was supposed to be in late Thursday, then early Friday and then Saturday. Now it's Monday... I hope today is the day! Congrats to you!!!