As I struggled out our fairly long driveway in slushy snow in our Geo Metro, I wondered how a Prius would handle the same conditions. We are close to ordering...but would hope that performance in snow will be at least fairly good...what experiences can you offer? Since we are in a rural area with lots of gravel roads, it is not an idle or infrequent issue (though when the going really gets tough, the Toyota 4 wh pickup is waiting in the wings). Jim
We have a 2005 that I swapped the Goodyears Integritys for Michlin Hyroedges. So far the most snow I have driven in was 7 - 8" with no problem. You will need to get used to the skid control feature (if your car has it). I love this cars stability on the wet surfaces. The Goodyears did not perform for me on any wet surface. Tom
Well Jim don't sell the pickup yet, but there is good news. Some people have very good things to say about the Prius in snow and ice, others say it's fine if you put good winter tires on it, and others have a problem with the traction control system when it's slippery. If you use the search function you will find a lot of posts about the TC and VSC in ice and snow. We just had about 2 or 3 weeks of some of the slipperiest roads I've seen and I drove the Prius quite a bit just to see how it would do (I also have a 4WD pickup). I was more than a little leery after reading some of the posts here. Conclusion: It was a lot better than I thought it would be even with the Goodyear Integritys on it. I found some hills I couldn't get up, but I doubt I could have gotten up them with my Accord either. I'll keep the old pickup because 4WD is better under some conditions and also because I don't want someone to run into my new Prius. It's nice to have a truck to go to the lumber yard with too. Edit: I should add that I drive on a lot of dirt and gravel roads and the Prius is just great for that, watch for rocks though it is a little low. Also there are some posts by jayman from Canada about rock damage to the air conditoning condenser, some have made screens to protect it. I haven't had that problem yet, but I've only had the car since September. Edit 2: I agree with hndricks10 the car feels very stable when it's slippery. The VSC and ABS do their job.
Here we go again. There are many other threads on this subject, loaded with information (some of it contradictory). I suggest you search through them. Also, please don't get VSC confused with traction control or ABS. Hint: VSC beeps at you when it engages but you may not notice because you're wetting your pants at that moment.
I just survived a slushy 2.5 hour drive home on the stock Integirty tires. The car performed quite well it powered through the 4" of heavy snow with nary a slip or slide. So I don't know what everyone is complaining about. If you keep the tires properly inflated they work just fine.
Actually, it is the non-VSC driver who would most likely be wetting their pants at that particular moment - in a sideway slide toward the edge of a cliff. A VSC driver probably would not realize the VSC system just saved their life, because they continued winding down the road after their stereo drown out any audible warning.
Sorry I don't even have the VSC system and I was definitely on a pant wetting road the Bear Mountain Extension. Two lanes, stone wall at the edge with a fall down to the Hudson River.
I got the 05 with VSC and we recently got Bridgestone Blizzaks on the car. With my Sienna I was able to slide out pretty good even though it has VSC. I think it's because of those crappy run flat tires. On the Prius, I've gotten it to slide a little left and right on the snow, but we've had very good traction with the snow tires. Once on the Integritys, I tried to stop at an icy intersection and the car never even slowed was on that day I ordered the Blizzaks.
Well, as deh2K said, here we go again. At least this time it's a fellow Michigander. OK, I've driven in a lot of snow already this year and I had TripleTreds put on my Prius some time before the snow began. The car handles great in snow. The car's handling on wet pavement or any kind of winter precipitation is firm and secure. It never slides around. I don't slip or slide and the car won't let the tires spin out of control. The board members told me beforehand that it would be like this and now I've seen it for myself. The car with its TripleTreds handles as well if not better than any other car I've had before, including a 4X4 that I had several years ago. I never worry when I'm on the road, even when it's snowing like crazy and is a foot deep. It's been months since I first drove my baby off the Toyota dealer's lot and I'm still in love. Go to Discount Tire and they'll give you a trade-in on the OEM tires of probably $50 per tire. You'll end up paying $200 for a set of premium tires.
I'll just add my voice to the "What problem?" chorus. I have an '05 with the stock tires (GY Integrities). I've never had a problem with the traction control preventing me from going in snowy conditions. This has included driving over fresh snow, along with plowed and re-frozen ice/snow mixes. I've only felt traction control click on a couple of times, and that has mostly been for a very short time, at completely reasonable times. Something that I wonder about is if the people who complain about the problems have their tire pressures up around 40 PSI; mine are down in the mid-30s. I have yet to hear someone who had trouble getting traction say that their tire pressures were in the low-mid 30s. They may very well have them at those pressures, but I just haven't seen posts to that effect. Anyone want to prove me wrong?
I run pressures at 43/41. Just checked them today. Dunlop Graspic DS2 installed (Maine). Not a bit of trouble with the TC. We've had an unrememberable number of storms so far this winter (lots); snow, ice, ice under powder. Well, today I tried to take off from its parking spot on ice with powder snow covering. The tires slipped. Backed off the throttle. Slipped it into R, backed up, then D and got going. Trouble? No, but it could have been if I decided to "tell" the Prius to destroy itself (it won't allow it) by giving it additional throttle as it was spinning tires. The car responds lots better when one works with it.
I use 42 psi in all 4 tires and had no problems in recent ice and snow (see my previous post). I do agree however that less pressure would give better traction and when the bad weather started I decided that if I needed to I would drop the pressure to 35 or even 30 psi, I just didn't need to. I'm still using the original Goodyears.