Just got my new 2006 Package 4 Prius on 1/1/2006. WOOHOO!! I really enjoy it but I wanted to put my CD's in and noticed that they didn't do a good job of making an area to store CD's. I know the center console can hold them, but they would be just thrown in and not able to be stored upright. What have others done? Besides the little stopping (seems like the ABS is way to touchy and sort of brakes brakes brakes before a complete stop) and the CD storage, I love it.
i am assuming there's still a little tray underneath the head unit of the audio system- absolutely perfect for CD storage. a light foot on the brake a little early is great for regen and for getting used to the brake. it's an adjustment coming from regular hydraulic brakes, i remember it well myself.
i put my CD's in the cabinet in my living room...i have the ipod adapter and its a great solution if you dont want to risk damaging your CD's
I do the same thing. Any new CD gets "played" exactly once when it gets ripped into iTunes... and then I never use it again. I have made some compilation MP3 CDs for playing in the car because the iPod is too clumsy to use in the car... and sometimes satellite radio reception is lousy. I really have zero interest in shclepping bucnh of CDs along with me anymore. /Jim
I bought CD holders that go over the visors and have both sides filled. I keep CD copies I've burned on my computer there and the originals at home. No sense inviting break ins. And I've already cracked one CD taking it out of the visor. I found the little drawer under the CD player too awkward and just a tad too small for CDs. It would hold them lose or if I removed the plastic CD sleeves from a CD case. I use the center armrest for other things. I have my manual and a first aid kit in the lower glove box.
I don't keep many CDs in the car. In fact, my biggest gripe about my car was that I don't have 6 CDs I want to listen to. Anyway, I think that fit just right in the center console.
Old fogey here. I still play CDs in the player. We have 'em in 50 (?) CD storage folders on the tunnel in front of the armrest. They stay in place if you don't plan on doing any severe steering.
I just make music lists on my iTunes and burn them to cd. You can put a huge number of tracks on one cd that way. Multiply that by 6 cd's in the changer and you have yourself a huge library. Then mix it all up by playing them back in random order by the Prius player.
I have 3 CDs in the in-dash storage bin under the radio and goodness knows how many in the centre console. Just stack them upright, you can make two rows. I'd wager at least 20 will fit in there