When I first starting thinking about getting a new car I was wondering if I could get and all electric car and I found this site: www.gemcar.com I like the cars and had one built for just around $10,000. Then I found out that you can drive a low-speed vehicle in Wisconsin. I was bummed cause what's the difference of my driving a moped or a Gem? The have the same exact speed to them. Well, So I pretty much gave up on it......BUT then I got this e-mail today: We spoke awhile ago about low-speed vehicles in Wisconsin. This is to let you know that a low-speed vehicle bill (A 851) is being heard by the Assembly Urban and Local Affairs Committee on January 10. The bill, basically, allows local jurisdictions to decide whether or not to allow the operation of low-speed vehicles on their streets. So now it could be possible if all goes well that you can drive them in WI. I ALREADY know I can't drive them on any road higher that has a speed higher than 35. There is ONLY one road that I travel on in town that is over 35. I can get to where I want to go on that road (one of my banks) by taking the side road and then frontage rd into the bank. (That's how I get their in the summer when I ride my moped) I know there were some people on her that didn't think I should get the Prius because I don't drive much. Maybe this would be better for me than a Prius? Just something I want to think about. So what do you think? 99% of my driving at this time is all within town. I know when I went to Las Vegas I loved driving their electric cars. Another issue is I'm in WI. The car does have hard sides I can order as an option and a heater. Of course I couldn't drive it when there's a ton of snow but so far this year we have had one snowfall that require a plow to come to my place. So (knocking on wood here) we have had a very mild winter and in the past couple years. (Last year I had the plow come 4 times) I hope you can give me some input on this. I would appreciate it. I just want to look at all the option available OR possibly available to me. Thanks for your time! Tracy
I'd do it if I were you. I love my Prius but I'd have been way happier with a RAV-EV or something comparable. But I need higher speeds and longer distances than a GEM or the other NEVs. There are a number of competitors to GEM, look at EBay for "electric vehicle" There's one brand (don't remember the name, I might be able to find it if you're desperate) that is much more "car-like" with real doors and trunk, etc. but still cheap. If you can get by with NEV speed limit to 35mph I'd bet you'd be delighted with a battery electric. Your bank account will surely love it (although I haven't researched reliability vs. brand, you might want to check if there are any real lemons out there). Prius is a pretty high-tech machine, NEVs are much less so - but that's their beauty I say. Keep it simple.
Tracy, honestly, in your situation GEM or other electric vehicle makes way more sense than a Prius. Think about it, why would you spend $21,000+ for something you will drive 3 miles to your bank? First, you will force unnecessary driving because you will want to justify the cost of the Prius and you will want to actually see those 50+mpg. Think about it, you will do yourself and everybody else a favor (pollution) by driving a full electric vehicle. I'd love to get one myself but I drive 50 miles one way to work. If you want to go on vacation, which you said you haven't done yet, you can always rent a Prius, it will cost you way less than $21,000 and you will stil be able to enjoy it.
yeah, I read it. still don't understand why one would need a car if the have 3 other ones and they don't drive much
Electric vehicles rule. I've now owned three, and buying the Prius is actually somewhat difficult for me since it brings me back into the oil/gasoline fold. I'm big on production, full-featured EVs, however. I've driven a GEM, and for some situations, they're great. Fror me, all one would do is replace my bicycle and the resulting exercise that I get from that transportation. I'm not a big fan of vehicles without doors or proper safety equipment. I feel safer on my bike where I can get OFF the road, and can maneuver more easily. Anywhere I can drive the GEM, I can ride my bicycle. And I can often do the bicycle trip in less time. Here's a page I create for my GEM experience: http://www.darelldd.com/ev/gem.htm